Sentences with phrase «confused as to»

Many people are confused as to which online dating site to join.
But she was disgusted by this man who had contacted her through, and when she could tell I was still confused as to why, she pointed to a little number under his profile picture.
Not a group picture so that others will be confused as to who you are in the group, not a hunting shot with you and a bunch of dead animals around you, not a shirtless photo, save bringing back sexy for another day and certainly not a photo of you from 5 or 10 years ago.
That way I don't get confused as to what pieces go together.
I'm a bit confused as to what to wear at this transitional time of year, though, as it tends to be cold in the morning, then warm during the day, then cold again.
I had received them in my February Fix, and I was confused as to why she was sending them again.
Like, black with tan or mid-brown is cool, but if you wore black with a super-dark brown, people might just think you got confused as to what colour everything was, you know?
The weather here gets me so confused as to what time of year it is!
I'm sorry that you were mistaken for older — personally I'm confused as to WHY?!
I was kinda confused as to what it was initially.
Are you still confused as to what day it is?
Anyways, It's already March and I'm still confused as to what's the difference between Marsala and Burgundy.
The rest of the look I like — the leggings, the sandals, the bag, the shirt — though I'm confused as to why the top is cut like a 3XL men's undershirt.
He was probably confused as to why you were not happy about it, but who knows?
Ok, so in the first shot, we were not acting and were legitimately confused as to how to get to where we were going next.
and I did have someone hand me a McDonald's cup that had a hole in the bottom — I was so confused as to why my shirt and pants were wet until I located it... Happy Friday!
I'm quite confused as to the sizing of their maternity pants.
Maybe now that you've learned the word «swacket» you're confused as to what the proper pronunciation would be, AND need help styli
I'm confused as to why everyone is raving about these pancakes?
I'm sure your a bit confused as to what a «Jenna twist» is and why Audrey Hepburn's name is included.
I'm ready to start back up but I'm a bit confused as to what cut / fat loss phase to start back on.
Now I'm confused as to what I should be doing My lab blood sugar levels have been normal however, in testing my blood glucose at home, I've come to realize I'm developing insulin resistance (the 3 hour level is higher than the pre-meal number).
With the soaring hype about the influence of probiotics on our health and the proliferation of countless probiotic products, many of us are confused as to which is the ideal probiotic supplement that would suit our needs.
I am confused as to why there is conflicting advice?
However, I'm very confused as to what constitutes resistance training.
I have been confused as to whether or not intermittent fasting is beneficial or harmful.
I always do my aerobic workout in the morning around 8 am and I am so confused as to do this workout before I eat or after I eat.
I am so confused as to what the best thing to do is.
It has evolved to become a service that caters to people looking for change and feel «stuck» or confused as to how to move themselves forward.
I'm always super confused as to what paleo allows and doesn't allow.
My naturopath was a bit confused as to why the medication wasn't fixing my issues, so we did more testing...
However it's deceptive and leaves the average joe confused as to why he isn't gaining size eating 300 grams of protein a day.
However, I believe some of these people are confused as to what relationship coaching actually is.
I have been taking Andrew Weil's fish oil DHA, because I was confused as to which I should take.
I am confused as to the different varieties.
i am confused as to why i have this condition after eating a plant - based high fibre diet for over 30 years, and have always had regular bowel movements?
We were sick of feeling sick, fed up with counting calories, beyond tired from the guilt we felt after eating, with low self - esteem and terribly confused as to why we felt this way.
I'm confused as to the structure of the workout.
It is no wonder why you may be confused as to which brand to buy!
If you're confused as to why a certain food or macronutrient is supposed to make you fat, ask why.
I am confused as to why a topic that is so under - researched and novice should be applied to a disease like PCOS that has so many unanswered questions.
I was confused as to when to add the coconut butter.
I'm still confused as to how much cardio I should be doing and how many calories I should eat... I haven't had skinfolds done in a few months so based on past skinfolds I have estimated that my BMR is 1327 to 1340 calories a day.
Confused as to how no veggies went to tons of veggies and the reasoning behind it.
Brad: Run our asses off and then get confused as to why bad things were happening.
Yes I've looked on this site for intermittent fasting and other sites, it seemingly works even on different schedules (some people seem to fast at the night time, some early mornings, some evenings...) I tried to view my month fasting in a similar way, but then I am confused as to how to come back to regular eating patterns.
I am confused as to whether I should go back to eating meat for to maintain a higher bmd?
Often times, people are confused as to why they're not losing weight, why they're gaining weight, or why they have hit a plateau in their goals, and all the while, they're completely convinced that they are eating the right number of calories.
If so you are probably rightly concerned about this however, are confused as to what these numbers mean on a CBC blood panel.
Confused as to why you're not losing weight, why you're gaining weight, or why you have hit a plateau - yet convinced that you are eating the right number of calories?
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