Sentences with phrase «confusing claims»

There is a tremendous amount of confusing claims and misleading information out there on websites.
But rather than addressing these concerns, it seems that some companies have attempted to hide behind confusing claims and labels.
Through bad customer service or confusing claim filing processes, these people later find that their auto insurance is causing more problems than its worth.
«Consumers are often barraged with an array of confusing claims when shopping.
Many Australians confuse claims of natural and eco with certified organic.
It seems that egg producers — perhaps more than any other — have responded to this trend by adding an abundance of confusing claims on egg cartons.
I took it right back to the mechanic that put my engine in he's just as confused he claims «He didn't cut any wires he didn't touch any wires in the dashboard.»
It also should reduce confusing claims from automakers.
The real adversaries here are not Crutzen et al. but those scientists, mostly ecologists who do not «get» Earth system science, who are making all sorts of erroneous and confusing claims about the Anthropocene's origins lying in the distant past, thousands of years before European industrialisation.
The problem is that all land has been stolen countless times, with round after round of massacres, and an endless string of confusing claims to rightful ownership.
What Harper and Oliver seems to have missed in their confused claims that the deficit will be eliminated in 2015 - 16 is that the deficit will in fact be eliminated this year, one year ahead of their commitment, even allowing for the family tax cut.
Hundreds of millions of dollars of investment later, plunging metal prices, increased energy costs, and confusing claims to ownership flattened that boom before any ore was delivered to the surface.
Fat - free is another confusing claim — «if it states 93 per cent fat free, then there's still seven per cent of fat,» Diversi says.
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