Sentences with phrase «confusing issue»

The phrase "confusing issue" refers to a topic or problem that is difficult to understand or figure out. It is something that may cause confusion or make it hard to make sense of. Full definition
Further confusing the issue is the fact that most research on one - to - one computing comes from the computer industry — making objective research difficult to find.
When you take your puppy outside for a potty break, don't confuse the issue with other activities.
The answer is because you want to know what the market is telling you now, and not confuse the issue with what it was doing a year ago.
One of the most confusing issues about introducing solids to your baby is when to introduce foods that are considered allergens.
I don't know if I am confusing the issue here between ozone and climate change.
However, the explanation, if there really is one, only serves to confuse the issue more, leaving most viewers to scratch their heads and throw up their hands in frustration.
One of the most confusing issues surrounding hemp concerns its legal status.
A military man, who wants to impress a civilian manager, should write a cover letter that explains possible confusing issues and reveals a personal story.
And sometimes just to really confuse the issue you'll even find many of same items on both the «out» and «in» lists.
And while climate deniers may try to confuse the issue by «cherry picking» data or focusing on short - term variations, the long - term trend is crystal clear.
To further confuse the issue, there are many different types of underwriting.
But I guess you don't want to confuse the issue with facts.
It does not confuse the issue — in some very important was it helps him to explore the frontier and ask better questions.
«But Jeb totally confuses the issue for Republicans (because of his support for the Common Core).
By and large, it's not as involving as Chrono Trigger for one main reason (and was one of the most confusing issues in Dragon Quest VI)-- there's no real visual distinction across time periods.
But the thread confuses the issue because I think what KAF is talking about it the right to be critical.
Amid a flood of concern from students, teachers, parents, and the community, the Park City School Board appeared to compromise on the proposed $ 5,000,000 building for possible future district needs, but in doing so confused the issue even further.
In addition, the medications not only confused the issue at hand through their side effects, but caused additional trauma by the difficult process of withdrawal.
But only Bould knows for sure and if the zonal or mixed marking system is that vague and confusing as you also suggest, then that also confuses the issue of which single player was at fault and needs to improve — it is a only confusion.
Emphasizing weather as evidence of climate only confuses the issue.
Our Play Therapy expert at Thriveworks Blacksburg is here to help you and your child sort through confusing issues, cope with difficult or traumatic experiences, and even just confirm and insure that your child is on a path of emotional health and functional well - being.
However, the statement goes on to deliberately confuse the issue of giving an app permission to read contacts, which is indeed routine, and the issue of giving an app permission to sync the phone's call and text history with the app's parent company's servers, a practice which is not routine.
«Soul sleep» is a bad phrase which confuses the issue.
(Some scholars simply confused the issue by identifying Q with the «oracles» compiled by Matthew according to Papias, and saying that Matthew compiled «sayings of Jesus»; but Papias's word «logia» is not the same as «logoi», «sayings».)
Using a Hartshornian piece on Whitehead may be confusing the issue somewhat.
Ray Tallis discusses the «insuperable problem» of explaining how intracranial nerve impulses can be «about» extracranial objects, but thinking in these terms rather confuses the issue (9 January, p 28).
One of the most often confused issues regarding Hutchinson renters insurance revolves around roommates.
It is worrying that a company handling complex and confusing issues like debt and financial law would have customer service agents unwilling to explain topics in laymen's terms.
good explaination of the bottom line concepts without confusing the issues by doing a deep dive into the details.
The term «progress» very likely confuses the issue here for some.
Hi Adelina, You have a great question here although it is a very confusing issue but I'll still try to help you.
They grant the right of concern to citizens and humans but never confuse the issue by considering the possibility that the clergyman or other professional is also a citizen or human being.
Steve confuses the issue by setting up the one against the other.
The basic question, however, is that of the extent to which early Christianity, for example, actually did develop, and the use of a semi-biological term may well confuse the issue by implying that the answer is already known.
Adding something that isn't negative but doesn't match elite measurables confuses issue imo.
One of George Orwell's essays attempts this, explaining that the practical and philosophical differences between the fascist regimes of the time confused the issue.
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