Sentences with phrase «confusing on console this game»

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Not to be confused with the upcoming Nintendo console of the same name, Threye Interactive announced Switch, a new puzzle - platformer game, which will be released on Xbox One and PC soon.
I think last generation got some people confused, with playstation having the responsibility of carrying blu ray into every home; it took a huge stress on its market share as a game console (late launch and unique hardware).
Perhaps Nintendo did not want to confuse its messaging of Switch being able to play standard home console games on the go.
That's a lot of money to pay for a console that doesn't have any games that aren't also on PC or the much cheaper Xbox One S, and the name is confusing, too.
Originally launched on Steam in late 2016, Maize is a great game to be brought over for console players to enjoy a confusing, yet not frustrating puzzle game located in a strange cornfield that turns out to have way more going on then is first presented!
When Wii U's released, it'll technically be the most powerful games console on the market, but its generation's a bit confused: it's neither a stablemate of Sony and Microsoft's current crop, nor a successor.
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