Sentences with phrase «confusing picture»

If you're being honest, you'd admit that all those highly - specialized exercises, fancy equipment tools and costly supplements can be a highly confusing picture to a newcomer.
The annualization and inconsistent naming structure of Assassin's Creed titles, coupled with the abandonment of the one major through - line narrative of the games, painted an ugly and confusing picture of the series which once dominated the video games industry.
Confused Picture at Hammer Museum: Litigation, Lack of Direction Cloud Future of Recently Opened Westwood Facility
New York's adoption of a new set of more intensive academic standards, known as the Common Core State Standards, has meant the number of consultants offering to train teachers in the new system is likely to multiply, further confusing the picture for principals.
The US domestic picture shows a similarly confused picture: after Homeland Security initially confirmed it would apply to US green card holders from those seven countries, that appeared to have been ditched by Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus yesterday — only for him then to contradict himself.
Unfortunately, science presents a pretty conflicted and at some points confusing picture about what works best for reducing phytic acid and other anti-nutrients in grains, seeds, legumes, and nuts.
franklin graham's picture was so similar, it confused me
The advanced stats paint a confusing picture of Miami's defense right now.
Whether there will be any more comings and goings at West Ham is a confused picture and subject to contradictory information.
Yet it presence only adds to the confusing picture we face in the approach to June 4th.
He thinks there were as many as five separate waves and believes there may have been distinct ethnic groups within the population living in Beringia at the time the Americas were first settled, which could confuse the picture.
«The solar atmosphere is transparent so that various features appear superimposed within the line of sight, confusing the picture
It and other early Homo fossils paint a confusing picture.
Confusing picture.
Lyme Disease can be hard to diagnose and may present a confusing picture.
Other studies paint an even more complex or confusing picture, such as this one:
It's not a confusing picture at all: in fact, Oppenheimer's camera is rarely confrontational and never manipulative, capturing the frank horrors of the subject matter.
There is a confusing picture in the energy debate about which technologies are the cheapest option, yet the world is clearly at a point where more renewables are getting built and there is uncertainty about new coal and gas plants.
As the distinguished arbitrators and academics Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer note in the foreword to the book: «The multitude of bilateral treaties in the area of investment protection has created a confusing picture of patchwork regulation.
This presents a confusing picture.
You also need to ensure you provide complete information without adding unnecessary details that confuse the picture.
This is a potentially misguided assumption as to what the child's behavior means: it confuses the picture for parents and their advisers, and should not be the basis for alterations in the arrangement.
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