Sentences with phrase «confusing terms»

The phrase "confusing terms" refers to words or expressions that are difficult to understand or can cause misunderstanding. Full definition
There is an endless supply of confusing terms, plenty of incorrect information, and on top of all that, the confusing contracts don't make things any easier.
They are also faced with the often confusing Term Life vs. Whole Life or the How does life insurance work question.
Don't confuse this term with student loan refinancing, though.
It is an ancient disease - written about since writing was invented - so the event has been divided in many ways using many confusing terms with considerable disagreements and overlap.
However, auto insurance policies seem to be written in the most confusing terms possible.
But I find that many traders tend to confuse the term for what it really is.
Thus, you have to be ready to pay for the convenience by accepting relatively high interest rates and sometimes confusing terms.
Very bad, read small print everywhere on each page of very confusing terms and conditions, continue to be charged even though i stopped my order.
As a personal trainer I was always able to explain confusing terms on the spot.
The scheme relied on the stupidity of people and politicians confusing the term green and renewable with clean and CO2 free.
You can't include any deceptive or confusing terms in your name.
Do not confuse term insurance with investment in terms of growth.
A lot of confusing terms and concepts are thrown around by salespeople or heating system technicians, and you don't want to get left behind.
Here are the definitions for some of the most confusing terms.
Many people confuse the terms Therapy Dog and Service Dog.
«What AUSVEG would like to see is the elimination of confusing terms such as «made from local and imported ingredients» from labels, and for consumers to be able to unambiguously tell at a glance, the origins of the food they are buying and consuming,» said Mr White.
e.g. REBBA specifically states that a brokerage must: in all advertising use its registered name which must be prominently displayed; not use confusing terms and they've been clear that unregistered assistants can't do anything the brokerage or registrant is required to do such as take a listing.
PAPERWORK KNOW - HOW: Who has time to sort through 14 pages of a purchase contract, with its many confusing terms, to make sure you're getting the best deal?
Others list confusing terms like «Gen 2» and «2011.»
Carlos, you are confusing the terms here... transfer of funds from an IRA to the IRA owned LLC are considered purchases of the LLC units not withdrawals.
Since you seem to be mixed up about what Agnostic / Gnostic and Atheist / Theist mean I will repeat so you don't confuse those terms again.
Lets not confuse the term love with a childish definitin either.
People often confuse the term perish here with eternal punishment in hell.
The physiologically confusing term of art for one such action is the «urine dump.»
DICE even admitted that they had somehow confused the terms «latency» and «ping,» and did not fix this for a while.
First, investors and the media in general always confuse the terms «financial planner» and «money manager».
Seniors should not confuse the term Beneficiary (familiar because of RRSP and RRIF beneficiary designations) with the key TFSA term, Successor Holder, says Sandy Cardy, a former Senior VP of tax and estate planning for Mackenzie Investments.
I think that most people confuse the terms passive and alternative income.
Some people also confuse the terms emotional support animal and therapy dog.
The participating artists and publishers of Somewhere in the Fold approach this conversation by showing work that deliberately confuses the terms «publication» and «art object», while attempting to discover a place where they can exist together both in form and concept.
The actions discussed for the most part are referred to as «climate intervention,» rather than «climate engineering» (or the common but confusing term geoengineering).
I have decided to take a online term plan, my age is 35 +, but someone confused me that term plans are two types.
Previously, they were confusing terms such as «plus» and «times.»
First - time home buyers often confuse the terms «conventional» and «conforming,» and sometimes use them interchangeably.
If a contractor is using confusing terms, or it seems like line - items have been included that shouldn't be there, they could be trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
The ITR forms that are issued will always use the term AY and it is important for tax payers not to confuse this term with FY.
There is an endless supply of confusing terms, plenty of incorrect information, and on top...
Many people confuse the terms «value» and «price».
Don't confuse the term «Animal Firm» with something Orwellian.
In fact, it may be advisable to have a lawyer or legal advisor review the contract for any red flags or confusing terms.
In the crypto market, both market cap and price are confusing terms to many people, nearly all of the time.
Hi - I think people confuse the term «freedom of religion» when they should take opportunity to practice their religion freely, without infringing on the rights of others!
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