Sentences with phrase «confusing thing»

One of the most confusing things about coconut oil is how it switches from solid to liquid depending on the temperature.
If they don't know biblical history, why confuse things further with church history?
One of the most confusing things about buying life insurance plan is to estimate how much premium you will have to pay for much life cover.
One of the more confusing things about breastfeeding is determining how much milk you're making.
One of the most confusing things for parents is when their exclusively breastfed baby stops having bowel movements every day.
That's a really amazing thing, but it can be a really confusing thing when your mind is telling you you're friends and your emotions are telling you something far different.
Simply put, adding a third machine into the mix would confuse things even more for those that don't understand it isn't a «proper» console.
It is also a very confusing thing to decide what to wear every day for school or college.
These terms are used to describe safety systems, accessories, and other confusing things that new parents might not understand.
If you cut back, you may confuse things all over again.
I have read so many confusing things about Vitamin A I really don't know what to think anymore.
A few times the more that's explained, the more confusing some things get.
You can imagine how confusing things can be for a rescue dog.
It's a mighty confusing thing to wrap my mind around and your perspective is very intriguing.
Taking the relationship outside of the bedroom can quickly confuse things and cause one of you to feel like you're in a more serious relationship when you really aren't.
To confuse things further, you can also purchase palm sugar, which may or may not be coconut sugar.
One of the most confusing things for me was this cup measurement.
One of the most confusing things about cloth diapers (other than how some people will pay ridiculous sums of money for unusual prints) is stripping diapers.
And it's one more confusing thing that stops young people from getting started investing.
While love is a splendid thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too.
They do weird and confusing things all the time, but they don't want to be reminded that they behave this way!
There are a lot of confusing things about the bible that are marked off as simply misinterpreted.
Your mileage has never varied more The EPA further confuses things by supplying a hodgepodge of fuel economy estimates and equivalents that you, the consumer, must make sense of.
Do not confuse things by saying that others have wronged you.
All of the sound bites just confuse things.
It seems as though Square Enix sensed this too, making a last - minute addition of quick cuts of Kingsglaive and the Omen CG trailer to a few key cutscenes, which truthfully feel like they will only confuse things further for anyone unaware of their origins, as they very clearly do not belong in the game.
No matter how easy everything sounds, some customers confuse things sometimes.
The ability to research well also suggests you're a great self - starter — able to look into confusing things on your own before bugging your manager.
The WEA plans to «help and train our people to overcome prejudices against other Christian traditions and not to confuse things from the past with present realities,» secretary general Efraim Tendero said.
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What confuses things is that Evangelicalism has a liberal wing of people who refuse to admit they are no longer Evangelicals.
You may have dividends in there though which really confuses things.
Also, in 2012, the AAP confused things further when it started telling parents to wait until 6 months to feed babies any solid food, a recommendation that was designed to encourage mothers to breastfeed for longer.
If the late - add dance track confuses things, it's hard to fault Minaj.
All the coda manages to do is alternately confuse things further and attempt to overclarify the central message.
To further confuse things within the Mitsubuishi SUV lineup, for 2011 we get the all - new Outlander Sport, a smaller version of the Outlander that has much in common with that 2003 Outlander — a 2 - liter, 148 - horsepower four - cylinder engine, and seating for five.
It strips away all the conceivably dull or confusing things newcomers might find within the sport, and just lets you whack a ball in a net.
«I think there has been a long - term trend towards brazen false or misleading assertions and a faith that repeated brazen assertions can at least confuse things sufficiently to carry the day... Those kind of brazen campaigns have become more prominent... and there is very little institutional advocacy left for promoting the broader community interest.
Well, see, we've already confused things because I told you that I did not like the «severance» calculator.
One of the frustrating and often confusing things for investors is that there is generally no real indicator as to why the value of a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin would suddenly start to drop at alarming levels.
There are a lot of confusing things to straighten out about indie publishing when you first start out.
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