Sentences with phrase «confusion about the difference»

Australian journalist, TV host and blogger Sarah Wilson is working with Inglewood Farms, who produce organic chicken, to reduce confusion about the difference between eating organic and free range chicken.
There's a lot of confusion about the differences (or similarities) of the available heirloom grains on the market.
There is quite a lot of confusion about the difference between AI and machine learning.
Barriers include cost, technology issues still not resolved, confusion about the differences between formal and informal learning, design factors, cultural factors, concerns about security, etc..
Note: There is often much confusion about the difference between collections and charge offs.
It can be hard to find unbiased information about debt consolidation because many companies have promoted misinformation and have purposefully created confusion about the differences between debt consolidation, debt management, and debt settlement.
There is some confusion about the difference between Rosemary Extract and Rosemary OIL.
The basic real problem we have here is the deliberate confusion created by the AGWSF to pretend there is their Greenhouse Effect, and in this they have deliberately created confusion about the differences between heat and light.
Confusion about the difference between legal research and legal analytics may stem from lawyers» deep familiarity with legal research or lack of familiarity with the new tool of legal analytics.
There's some confusion about the differences between renters insurance and landlord insurance, but the concept is straightforward: If you own the rental property, get landlord insurance,...
There's some confusion about the differences between renters insurance and landlord insurance, but the concept is straightforward: If you own the rental property, get landlord insurance, but if you renting the property from someone else, you need renters insurance.
The current concerns are focused on consumer confusion about the differences between MLS and, and the long - term impact this confusion could have on the MLS brand.

Not exact matches

He is not lost in a fog of confusion about whether Christianity makes a difference and therefore whether it should be proclaimed at all.
This article talks about the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise but I feel that there is some confusion regarding the terminology based on my own experience.
So to clear up any confusion, here's some more information about the difference between cacao and cocoa.
I knew the difference but sometimes when I cruise through other blogger content I can tell there is confusion about it or that they have skipped on the categories / tagging altogether.
This guide will cover all the differences between the three versions so that you don't have to worry about any confusion when you finally sit down to play.
One of the issues highlighted in the report was confusion among teachers about the difference between professional learning and those activities that are part of everyday practice.
The CBI said employers would want to be «crystal clear about the differences to eliminate any confusion».
(The difference between CO2 and carbon is a constant source of confusion in many discussions about global warming — one tonne of carbon burnt equals 3.67 tonnes of CO2).
Even though I can't imagine gravity functioning as a Maxwell Demon, even though Caballero in section 2.17 both states and leaves as a student exercise the proof that the thermodynamic equilibrium state of a vertical column of gas is isothermal, there has been a lot of confusion and strange assertions about a gas arriving at a state because of bulk transport that sorts out temperature differences approximately adiabatically (neglecting conduction), but that is somehow thermodynamically stable without transport and with conduction in the end.
You are all most welcome to participate in both activities, but read more about the differences between the two activities below to avoid any confusion:
As collaborative divorce is a relatively new option, and there exists much confusion — even among experienced family law practitioners — about the differences between these two methods of dispute resolution, this article looks to compare and contrast mediation and collaborative divorce.
Oftentimes, the two terms are used interchangeably, leading to confusion about what the differences between the two are.
There is a certain degree of confusion when people are asked about the difference between travel insurance and international health insurance.
To clear any confusions you had about the difference between last year's V Series handset as well as any similarities and dissimilarities between LG G5.
There has been some confusion among some investors and business users about the difference between public and private blockchains.
I am your neighbour / Ideas about the family / Ideals and limitations / Identities / Identity and relationship / Identity vs role confusion / Image of social care / Immediacy / Impediments to permanency / Importance of cooperation / Importance of fathers / Impulsivity and irrational beliefs / In - between / Including families / Inclusion / Independent living / Independent living skills / Indications for treatment / Individual and residential treatment / Individual antisepsis / Individual demands / Individual differences / Individual experiences / Individual recognition / Individual sessions / Individuals and groups / Indoor noise / Indulging the deprived child / Inner pain / Inner world / Innovative book / Insecure attachment / Inside kid / Institutional care in Germany / Interactive learning / Intercultural relationships / Interest contagion / Intergenerational programs / Intergenerational theory / Intergenerational work / Internal / external control / Interpersonal dependence / Interpersonal responses / Interpretation as interference / Interpreting behaviour / Interpretive systems / Inter-staff relationships / Intervention environment / Interventions / Interview / Intimate familiarity / Introducing supervision / Intuitive decision - making / Investment in relationships / Invisible suffering / Involvement of families / Involving families / Involving young people / Irish view / Irrational acceptance / Isibindi project / Isolation rooms / I've been an adult too long
As collaborative divorce is a relatively new option, and there exists much confusion — even among experienced family law practitioners — about the differences between these two methods of dispute resolution, this article looks to compare and contrast mediation and collaborative divorce.
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