Sentences with phrase «congested liver»

A sluggish and congested liver causing a slower rate of hormonal clearance (think of it like a clogged drain), an increase in environmental toxin exposure, or an overconsumption of alcohol, can slow the liver's ability to regulate estrogen levels in the body.
According to Chinese medicine, these foods congest the liver, blocking the chi (or energy) and preventing the liver from purifying the blood.
Won't the medications congest my liver making my adrenal fatigue worse?
Dandelion leaves have been used to support a sluggish or congested liver for centuries: adding raw dandelion leaves to a salad after consuming alcohol will stimulate the flow of bile in the liver to speed up the metabolism of alcohol particles.
If you have 4 or more of these signs, you may have a congested liver that needs a vacation.
And a buildup of toxins in the body or a congested liver means skin eruptions and acne.
Those with adrenal fatigue may well be drinking too much alcohol or caffeine or refined carbohydrates which all can tend to congest the liver.
This is typically caused by a congested liver, inflammation and scarring of the bile duct and / or gall stones.
This is also why a toxic, congested liver or an iron toxic liver is associated with anger and rage.
In Nutritional Therapy, we find the root cause to our symptoms which may be a result of gut inflammation, congested liver, over worked adrenals, and blood sugar dysregulation.
If you have experienced 4 or more of these symptoms over the past 3 months it's possible that you might have a congested liver that needs detoxing.
(Hemorrhoids are a symptom of a congested liver.)
Too much can cause loose stool, or if you don't digest fats well due to poor gall bladder function or congested liver / gall bladder, this may not be ideal for you, and you may fare better just using coconut oil for cooking.
For this reason, stagnant bile also affects the liver — when bile is stagnant, the toxins aren't eliminated quickly enough and this can lead to a congested liver (and a number of other issues as a result).
A congested liver is ultimately caused by an overload of toxins.
A congested liver, like a clogged colon is caused by these factors: - A poor diet consisting of foods that kill: refined carbs, hydrogenated fats, preservatives, and foods with hormones - Toxins found in the environment such as pollution - The over-use of antibiotics and drugs.
A congested liver is the root reason behind many modern diseases such as acne, yeast infection, leaky gut, etc..
There are other causes of headaches and migraines, such as a congested liver, eye - strain, anemia, magnesium deficiency, and hypothyroidism.
This may indicate a congested liver, in which case you may want to try a short detox - diet to flush out your system.
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