Sentences with phrase «congressional budget debate»

«When the Congressional budget debates began earlier this year, I received a troubling phone call from NHSA...

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Though these numbers are simply used to demonstrate the loophole, this helps explain why, in the debate over this year's Congressional Budget, both Republicans and Democrats agreed that the loophole needed to be closed.
[246] On August 2, 2011, after a lengthy congressional debate over whether to raise the nation's debt limit, Obama signed the bipartisan Budget Control Act of 2011.
The bill, which is likely to become a flash point in the debate over the federal debt, would raise $ 40 billion worth in additional revenue, according to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The President's annual budget and the Congressional debate around it are the mechanisms through which that role is defined and embellished.
Each year we sift through the President's budget, monitor ongoing Congressional debates, and keep an eye on longer - term budget trends to provide timely and objective information and perspectives on the federal R&D enterprise to policymakers and the science and engineering community.
Washington — The Congressional battle over the President's fiscal 1983 budget officially began last week, as members of education - related committees of both the House and the Senate debated among themselves the appropriate budget levels for education programs.
Better known by its catchy acronym, the Cloud Act, the law was tacked on to the 2,232 - page, US$ 1.3 - trillion omnibus budget bill one day ahead of its vote and was signed into law by President Donald Trump without the benefit of the usual congressional scrutiny, hearings or significant public debate.
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