Sentences with phrase «congressional lines»

Of course their meeting comes at a politically pivotal time in state government as the redistricting maps for Congressional lines are being looked over by a special master.
I'm referring exclusively to the lines for legislative districts, because state lawmakers don't directly benefit from the way congressional lines are drawn.
Not surprisingly, the congressman seems to think the current system of drawing legislative and congressional lines words just fine, thank you very much.
The redistricting order, which came after the State Assembly and Senate gave up trying to draw new Congressional lines, reduced the number of districts in New York to 27 from 29, as was required as a result of the 2010 census.
The argument that it is too late to have a court draw up the lines — since the state primaries are scheduled for September and the congressional primaries for June — does not apply, since a federal judge recently drew congressional lines in a timely manner that were positively received by New Yorkers, although not by incumbent lawmakers, Gianaris said.
The federal court's involvement in the redistricting process should lift the drawing of congressional lines from the swamp of partisan disagreement in which it has lingered for more than a year — just as it has once a decade for the past 40 years.
«I hear lots of things on congressional lines,» McEneny said.
Meanwhile, the state legislative commission charged with redrawing Congressional lines is just beginning that phase of the complex and politically charged process.
A June primary reinforces the need to quickly finalize the official redistricting maps, which is especially urgent given the lack of draft Congressional lines from LATFOR.
Assembly and Senate lawmakers released competing maps for Congressional lines late yesterday.
For now, Mann's authority is restricted to congressional lines despite a push by Senate Democrats that she also supervise the drawing of state legislative lines.
A version of this article appears in print on March 20, 2012, on Page A23 of the New York edition with the headline: New Congressional Lines Imposed by Federal Court.
The judicial panel's imposition of the new Congressional lines capped a day of jockeying among prospective candidates, with the bulk of the attention falling on a Queens district, much of which is currently represented by Gary L. Ackerman, a Democrat, who unexpectedly announced his retirement last week.
Sen. Michael Nozzolio said he hoped intervention by Gov. Andrew Cuomo would avoid a prolonged court battle over Congressional lines.
The Assembly Democrats will file their suggested congressional lines later in the day as well.
Israel decided to run in the district after Rep. Gary Ackerman's (D - Bayside) seat was eliminated due to redistricting, which shifts congressional lines in response to population changes identified in the U.S. census.
Gathered at the United Palace Theater palace on 175th Street in Washington Heights last week, Luna and many of Upper Manhattan's other most prominent leaders called on state legislators in Albany to recognize the changes as they redraw the state's congressional lines ahead of the 2012 election.
And even though the congressional primaries are now set for June 26th, the Assembly and Senate have not yet released new maps for congressional lines.
A special master has been charged with coming up with new congressional lines by March 12.
In court papers, Martins» attorney cited a 1982 precedent in which a three - judge panel moved the election date for two House seats from Nov. 2 to Nov. 30 to permit the state to redraw congressional lines to comply with the Voting Rights Act.
The Manhattan Democrat and Long Island Republican exchanged heated letters yesterday over what Koch views as the Senate Republicans» renegging on their collective promise to support creation of an independent and nonpartisan commission to draw legislative and congressional lines in time for the 2012 elections.
«The next set of congressional lines should be out early this week, and we will know more about his district then.
The Legislative Task Force on redistricting is yet to release new Congressional lines and Gov. Andrew Cuomo has vowed to veto the boundaries drawn by lawmakers.
He also said the appointee will be mainly there for the Congressional lines, a piece I heard from Senate Republicans earlier today as well.
He did not specify whether there will be one bill, containing both state legislative and congressional lines, or two.
I hope we can meet with the Senate shortly and finalize the Congressional lines that they're targeted for.
So we've been talking about this effort by this group, the Republican State Leadership Committee, to put not huge amounts of money, but enough money to make a difference in a few dozen state legislative races, hoping that Republicans could then control statehouses, and after the 2010 census draw the new congressional lines.
«The courts handled the congressional lines, and they were transparent and fair,» he said.
The contentious redistricting process that changed political representation in Queens came to a close Monday when a federal judge signed off on the new congressional lines, days after Gov. Andrew Cuomo did the same at the state level.
Every 10 years, districts for state Senate, state Assembly and congressional lines are redrawn to reflect population changes recorded in the census.
As for the Congressional lines a special master will draw them just like before because they can never agree
And going back to pre-Sandy days, the Democrats were none too thrilled that Cuomo declined to intercede when the Senate and Assembly failed to agree on a redistricting plan for the congressional lines, kicking the matter to the courts and resulting in a far less gerrymandered outcome than a politically - controlled process would likely have produced.
Senate, state Assembly and congressional lines are redrawn every 10 years to account for population changes recorded by the census.
LATFOR hasn't released the congressional lines yet.
The congressional lines require pre-clearance by the federal Department of Justice to ensure the rights of racial minorities are not abridged.
They went wild when the Special Master drew the Congressional lines they were Anti-Women, anti this and Anti that.
For the last four rounds of redistricting, a special master has drawn congressional lines.
When attorneys representing Democrats who dominate the Assembly and Republicans who hold a bare majority in the Senate acknowledged they had no agreement through a joint task force, called LATFOR, that is tasked with drawing the congressional lines, Mann ordered they develop their own proposals by Wednesday.
Individual members have spoken out against the disenfranchisement of minority voters in both the state legislative and congressional lines, but there has been no organized opposition effort to date.
As part of his open - ended campaign to reform state government, Cuomo proposed to create an independent entity to conduct the redrawing of legislative and congressional lines, a process that happens every 10 years and which has historically been controlled by the unbelievably conflicted majority parties in each house of the state legislature.
Every 10 years, districts for state Senate, state Assembly and congressional lines are redrawn to reflect population changes recorded -LSB-...]
Recall that the lines were signed into law by Gov. Cuomo the day before the federal courts were going to take over the process, like they did with the congressional lines, and that was a month ago.
The party was in the middle of exploring its options to get a candidate, it says was a Republican plant, off its congressional line in New York's 27th District when it learned that candidate simply dropped out of the race.
CORRECTION: A state court drew New York's congressional lines in 1992.
In most states, the congressional lines will be drawn by the state legislature and approved by the governor after the reallocation of seats based on population shifts as documented in the 2010 census.
Michael Benjamin has a detailed critique of the congressional lines drawn by a federal judge, contending, for example, that Howard Beach and Bed - Stuy shouldn't be in the same district.
Michael Benjamin has a detailed critique of the congressional lines drawn by a federal judge,... Continue reading →
Before the campaign had officially begun, Espaillat also invoked racial themes when he told an audience in Harlem that «crackers» had unfairly drawn congressional lines, and there could be a «nuclear political war» between African - Americans and Latinos if they were forced to run in the same congressional district uptown.
The legislature's newly drawn state Senate and Assembly lines, as well as the congressional lines, may be headed toward a federal court appointed special master.

Phrases with «congressional lines»

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