Sentences with phrase «congressional representatives»

The phrase "congressional representatives" refers to the individuals who are elected to represent and serve the people in the United States Congress, which is the legislative branch of the government. They work on behalf of their constituents to make laws, address issues, and make decisions that affect the country as a whole. Full definition
Republican congressional representatives unveiled their much - anticipated tax reform plan late yesterday.
The most important strategy by far is to write, call and meet with our own congressional representatives or their staff.
All three states have Republican congressional representatives, and he says if more of them vote no on the final bill, then the plan would be defeated.
Reed and a bipartisan group of Congressional representatives released a set of ideas to improve the Affordable Care Act.
But when the SNA's members actually sit down with Congressional representatives at the organization's Legislative Action Conference in Washington, DC next week, how strongly will they push for more funding?
At least two New York congressional representatives in the Hudson Valley say they voted in favor of the «No Budget, No Pay» act, which passed the House Wednesday by a vote of 285 - 144.
Democratic Congressional representatives from districts surrounding the Hudson River have written to federal authorities asking for an expanded assessment of the river.
As an advocate, you'll receive an e-newsletter that provides information about federal education policy and politics, opportunities to provide policymakers with your input on education issues, and access to the ASCD Action Center where you can learn about legislation and contact Congressional representatives.
The bitter campaign to succeed Charles Rangel as Congressional representative of the 13th District...
Otherwise, Schreibman will be running against an incumbent GOP Congressional Representative who has lots more money and resources.
Cuomo once again offered sharp criticism for some of the state's GOP congressional representatives because of votes stripping New York taxpayers of their ability to deduct some state and local taxes.
The subject arose when President Obama visited Westchester County in May 2014, praising Cuomo and area congressional representatives for making the replacement bridge possible.
In the hours following the United States» airstrike against alleged Syrian chemical weapons facilities, several Central New York congressional representatives took to social media to express their thoughts.
Central New Yorkers who oppose a sweeping overhaul to the tax code supported by Republicans and President Donald Trump made their case outside a roundtable meeting with Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon and local congressional representatives in Syracuse today.
Actress Angela Lansbury, 92, and U.S. Congressional Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, 82, provoked both backlash and support for expressing the view that women were ultimately responsible for preventing sexual harassment.
Democratic congressional representatives Nita Lowey and Sean Patrick Maloney are among those from the Hudson Valley who are attending Mario Cuomo's funeral.
Statements by Congressional representatives suggesting that additional regulation is necessary in a «decentralized market» are not helpful says Trace Schmeltz, a partner in the Chicago and Washington, D.C. legal offices of Barnes & Thornburg LLP.
Urge congressional representatives to oppose the appointment of Ms. DeVos and remain vigilant for and argue against efforts to dismantle the Office of Civil Rights or the transfer of Title I funds
Toward that end, Reed and a bipartisan group of Congressional representatives released a set of ideas to improve the Affordable Care Act.
We would like to encourage the congressional staffers we meet with to also come to the Erasing Family event, to increase the knowledge of congressional representatives regarding the devastating family pathology of «parental alienation.»
I urge all eligible voters to go to the polls in November to select their next Congressional representative, along with their next statewide and local officials.»
In the early 1980s, Charlie Wilson is a womanizing US congressional representative from Texas who is a member of two major foreign policy and covert - ops committees.
Graduates include General Douglass MacArthur, numerous other generals, college presidents, leaders in business, sitting Congressional representative Lamar Smith and other remarkable men and women.
Hochul, a former Congressional representative from western New York, is seeking a second term after replacing Bob Duffy on the Democratic ticket in 2014.
A Time Warner Cable News debate between the two Democrats running for the 19th Congressional District seat on Wednesday was largely a showcase of similarities between the aspiring congressional representatives.
These CAF funds were recommitted to New York State by the FCC as the result of efforts by Governor Cuomo, Empire State Development, and New York State Congressional representatives.
Elected officials should be accessible and responsive to their constituents; our current congressional representative is neither.
The North Country is choosing a new Congressional representative now that Bill Owens is retiring.
A previous letter with nearly identical language was sent by 18 of the 31 organizations in 2009 (pdf), and some scientists are skeptical that this new document will budge the stubborn persistence of climate denial among congressional representatives.
[105] Alaska's federal congressional representatives cut back on pork - barrel project requests during Palin's time as governor; despite this, in 2008 Alaska was still the largest per - capita recipient of federal earmarks, requesting nearly $ 750 million in special federal spending over a period of two years.
«[That's] a huge advantage for entrenched companies, but it totally ices out startups trying to get in front of people which stifles innovation,» wrote Silicon Valley congressional representative Ro Khanna on Twitter.
In this service context, AAAS should not only respond to congressional requests for information, advice and analysis, but also should include congressional representatives in various AAAS activities.
A few weeks ago, as it seemed more and more likely that FCC chairman Ajit Pai would successfully dismantle US net neutrality rules, California Congressional representative Ro Khanna tweeted an alarming - looking screenshot from Portuguese mobile carrier Meo.
If minor - league pay could really threaten the entire industry of baseball, I could almost understand how congressional representatives might be interested, citing Chevrolet and apple pie and getting free publicity for it.
Congressional representatives interviewed by Politico see these moves as short term strategies to hold the line on school food improvements, until they can be permanently scaled back via the CNR.
When she is inaugurated on January 3, Hassan will become the country's only female Democratic governor, and the chief executive of the first state to elect an all - female state delegation, consisting of returning Democratic senator Jeanne Shaheen (who was governor from 1997 to 2003), returning Republican senator Kelly Ayotte, and congressional representatives Ann McLane - Kuster and Carol Shea - Porter.
Pearce is the second New Mexico congressional representative to announce plans seek the state's highest job.
Elise Stefanik, New York's first - term congressional representative for the North Country's 21st district, is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
If she wins in November against GOP challenger City Councilman Dan Halloran, Grace Meng will become the first Asian American Congressional Representative from NYC.
The call, according to a script released by the state Democratic Committee, focuses heavily on Hochul, a former western New York congressional representative whose voting record has come under scrutiny from her primary opponent, Columbia professor Tim Wu.
At least two former New York congressional representatives attended the service — New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and Mike McNulty, who represented New York's 21st District.
Congressional Representative Michael Grimm was recently cleared of accusations that he illegally accepted cash contributions from non-US citizens by the independent watchdog, the Office of Congressional Ethics.
Franking Privilege allows Congressional Representatives to send mail free of charge.
Joe DioGuardi, the former Westchester County Congressional representative who lost to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in 2010, today endorsed Republican hopeful Wendy Long.
Upstate Congressional Representatives Chris Gibson and Paul Tonko discuss the latest issues.
«While over 30 percent of New York City is Latino, we have only two Latino Congressional representatives,» City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez told DNAinfo in an email statement after the march.

Phrases with «congressional representatives»

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