Sentences with phrase «connect abandoned wells»

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In this work, the well - known postmodern thinker urges the Catholic Church to abandon the truth claims she connects to her faith.
The study, to be published in Water Resources Research on October 20, demonstrates that fractures in surrounding rock produced by the hydraulic fracturing process are able to connect to preexisting, abandoned oil and gas wells, common in fracking areas, which can provide a pathway to the surface for methane.
Related, the NCTQ advance a set of non-at-all-research-based claims that «there has been some good progress on connecting the dots in the states, [but] unless pay scales change [to increase merit pay initiatives, abort traditional salary schedules, and abandon traditional bonus pay systems, which research also does not support], evaluation is only going to be a feedback tool [also currently false] when it could be so much more [also currently false]» (p. vi).
No slouch in the animal welfare game, ADRF is known for their proactive approach to animals in need including funding surgeries too costly for other shelters, rescuing abandoned pets and livestock from disaster ravaged areas, connecting veterans suffering from PTSD with supports dogs, bringing an end to dog fighting as well as saving abandoned circus and theme park animals.
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