Sentences with phrase «connect brain size»

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This means that a group of risk genes is connected with a reduction in the size of a critical region of the brain before the disorder manifests itself.
«They have found a smoking gun in the human genome that connects a regulatory element with a proposed pathway for increasing brain size,» says Todd Preuss, a neuroanatomist at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, who was not involved with the work.
Homo habilis, the first of our genus Homo who appeared 1.9 million years ago, saw a modest hop in brain size, including an expansion of a language - connected part of the frontal lobe called Broca's area.
The patients, doctors found, usually had widespread brain damage, but two injured areas were especially noteworthy: the thin outer rind, called the cortex, and the thalamus, a pair of walnut - size lumps in the brain's central core, along with the neural fibers that connect these regions.
For the moment, Blue Brain scientists study rodent brain tissue and characterize different types of neurons to excruciating detail, recording their electrical properties, shapes, sizes, and how they conBrain scientists study rodent brain tissue and characterize different types of neurons to excruciating detail, recording their electrical properties, shapes, sizes, and how they conbrain tissue and characterize different types of neurons to excruciating detail, recording their electrical properties, shapes, sizes, and how they connect.
To know for sure whether the brain's conflict signals and pupil size caused the monkeys to perform better requires further study.The dACC doesn't directly control pupil size, but it connects to another region of the brain that does.
Because of the size of the Purkinje cells, their cellular processes (axons and dendrites), and the stimulation of the cells that they connect to, there is a gross reduction in size and weight of the cerebellum compared to the rest of the brain in CA affected dogs.
This basically contains the brains of the full - size Echo, but removes the speaker functionality, allowing users to connect it to their own speakers and introduce voice recognition functionality.
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