Sentences with phrase «to connect with other writers»

If we're open to learning, we'll be exposed to all the information we need to know by connecting with other writers.
Use social media to connect with other writers who are in this with you.
This is a great chance to connect with other writers as well as talking to librarians.
While it's not necessary in selling your book, I do recommend trying to connect with other writers simply because it can make the solitary business of writing a little more enjoyable.
Tip 2: Start connecting with other writers, authors and publishing industry professionals.
The downside: Connecting with other writers doesn't necessarily grow your readership; you end up in an echo chamber with other writers.
Roz recommends connecting with other writers in your genre to trade manuscripts, or join a local or online writing group, especially one with a good moderator, for feedback.
I highly recommend connecting with other writers, either in a local writers group or one that meets online (or both!).
Although an article by literary agent Rachelle Gardner advises against substituting platform building for writing, I have spent a considerable amount of time connecting with other writers and generally learning -LSB-...]
I'm already working to connect with other writers via writing groups, professional organizations, conferences, online orgs.
Hint: You can meet and connect with other writers at self - publishing writing conferences.
Twitter is a wonderful social media tool to connect with other writers in your own genre.
There are many other contests that continue to be created monthly, so the best way to stay up to date is by connecting with other writers, agents, and bloggers via social media to hear about them.
We also want to connect with other writers as well as marketing and pr, as well Instagrammers who just love to travel.
A community (chat, groups and forums) to share writing, connect with other writers, and discover new stories and authors.
Please share it in the comments below and connect with other writers to widen your universe.
I use it and I've found it helpful in connecting with other writers.
This doesn't mean you have to find a critique group, but maybe join an online writing website where you can connect with other writers.
So, there are a variety of ways to connect with other writers.
This site is a rich resource of scholarships and writing contests, plus Twitter chats to help you connect with other writers in almost any genre.
He's always looking to connect with other writers.
But how to reach the reader, and how to connect with other writers?
«Over the years, writing conferences have helped me connect with other writers, editors and agents.
You get to connect with other writers, give back, and get your name out there as an expert.
Even though social media can sometimes feel like an intimidating snowball of doom, it can also be a great way to connect with other writers, editors, agents, and readers.
Using Twitter chats to connect with other writers — An extensive guide, including a list of Twitter chats I love.
If you are looking to connect with other writers, most of them can't resist a writing challenge or a contest.
Vivian, you connect with other writers and readers in the most charming way.
So feel free to browse, connect with other writers and share ideas on conquering the book publishing world!
They are a fast - paced, fun way to connect with other writers and discuss current topics and issues around the publishing scene.
On social sites, authors can connect with other writers and build relationships with people who work in the media, and may potentially discuss the author on their own blogs and pages.
On this social networking site you can connect with other writers, find valuable resources in book publishing and keep up to date with all of the goings on in the industry.
(also: if you're looking for critique partners, feel free to connect with other writers by leaving your name / genre / email / critique availability in the comments)
It's great to connect with other writers... but what about potential readers?
If you're interested in connecting with other writers — and readers!
I also recommend you join the #WritePubChat community on Slack where you can connect with other writers and ask questions like this at any time.
I also think it's important to connect with other writers to get a realistic view of the publishing world.
There are lots of Twitter hashtags out there that are useful to help writers promote their work, connect with other writers, and — well — write.
On top of learning the tools you need to advance in your writing career, you will also get to connect with other writers (after all, God never intended for you to travel alone).
This is more for aspiring authors who are looking to connect with other writers or agents.
Use social media to reach potential readers or connect you with other writers.
Get out there and connect with other writers, specifically in your genre.
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