Sentences with phrase «connecting personal effort»

Gifted kids sometimes have trouble connecting personal effort to achievement.

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Everything you do as a brand — from social media outreach to content marketing efforts — must have this personal and close - connected feel to it.
While a generic card will suffice, an engraved note card with your name or company logo will connect your kind effort to your personal brand.
Wu was not the only one to draw historical comparisons, as Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, emphasized the equal «unfettered access» the Founding Fathers had had to the printing press, while Personal Democracy Media's Andrew Rasiej highlighted the extensive and expensive 19th century effort to connect all New Yorkers to a common clean water supply through aqueducts.
Mission is to lead the efforts of young people in and from foster care to become connected, educated, inspired and represented so they can realize their personal potential and contribute to a better life for their peers.
More recently, technological developments from the VCR to the (pre-internet era) personal computer have been enlisted, with varying degrees of success, in an effort to connect people with romantic partners.2
When students connect success to personal effort, rather than ability or luck, they are more likely to be motivated to learn.
She says, «The clinic makes lots of effort to connect on a personal level with clients and everyone really cares, which is great!»
Mission is to lead the efforts of young people in and from foster care to become connected, educated, inspired and represented so they can realize their personal potential and contribute to a better life for their peers.
Only after you connect with people this way, at the personal and local level, can you then get people participating in a dialogue about bigger policy efforts.
Mission is to lead the efforts of young people in and from foster care to become connected, educated, inspired and represented so they can realize their personal potential and contribute to a better life for their peers.
Using a Personal Profile to Connect With A Prospective Employer In today's challenging job market, job seekers have to make every effort to go above and beyond what
In your efforts to better connect with prospects and customers on the Web, could you be putting your personal safety at risk?
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