Sentences with phrase «conscious about»

I look OK coming toward you (I have learned to camouflage my menopausal belly), but I am very self - conscious about the «going» version of me.
because I am not self - conscious about my looks (mostly!)
Not that I slacked before, but I definitely wasn't conscious about it all the time.
I recently had a baby and I was a little self conscious about wearing a swim suit but after buying this bottom I'm getting my confidence back!!!!
«I tend to be overly self - conscious about how I look in a bathing suit.
They are so long and skinny, I'd kill for them, don't know what you are self - conscious about.
it's the one body part im the most self conscious about....
If you're pear - shaped and conscious about your rear and stomach, this might not be the dress for you.
Besides, I began to feel self - conscious about showing more and more parts of my body as I detected signs of aging in any way.
I have tons of scarves, but I get self conscious about wearing them thinking that it is double chins, scarf and boobs just RIGHT THERE.
Short - sleeved and sleeveless garments seem to be marketed to younger women who aren't as self - conscious about their arms (supposedly).
If you're conscious about your legs, try wearing long boots with a long coat.
So you better believe I'm now very conscious about what type of clothes I'm putting on my body when it's going to be 80 degrees with a humidity level of 99 %.
I don't do this, but I'm conscious about it when I'm lusting after something impractical and short - lived.
I'm so self - conscious about these darn braces!
I'm self - conscious about ALL of the things.
Or if you're conscious about pretty much anything in your outfit all the time: bra that doesn't fit, that maybe the top of your tights is showing, shoes that rub your feet, that you feel too cold or too warm etc..
I've always been incredibly self conscious about my... Continue Reading»
I am always budget conscious about the links b / c I'm budget - conscious (well, sort of, sometimes, ok I try to be!)
(Because I'm a bit self - conscious about being busty, I'm very sensitive about whether the placement of the stripes might make me look wider.)
When I was pregnant, I was self - conscious about the obvious nursing features and was forever afraid that they would fall open.
For the first time in my life, I am not self conscious about running an errand or even going to the pool without makeup.
I danced when I was younger and when I was in my twenties I started to have back pain and inflammation, so I became more conscious about eating anti-inflammatory foods, like plant based foods and berries.
Don't be self - conscious about the shape, size, or color; don't compare yours to porn star vaginas.
The Keto diet is a limiting diet, and you have to be conscious about what you are putting into your body if you want to succeed at it.
We are very conscious about tick bite prevention too!
They're probably more self - conscious about themselves than you are.
For those consumers who are interested in and conscious about supporting companies with high health, ethical and integrity standards, this one is not it.
... and if you actually apply these unique dietary strategies and secret training techniques, you will no longer be self - conscious about taking off your shirt at the beach and no longer force yourself to wear baggy shirts to help hide your gut...
I am now super self conscious about how many Mexican food recipes I have.
It really made me very self - conscious about the way I look, considering I purport to have a high level of nutrition knowledge.
I haven't been swimming with them in years because I was too self - conscious about my body.
And like most adolescent teens, I'm beginning to feel conscious about my body.
The first thing that most women think of is that their extra abdominal fat is simply ugly, is covering up their abs from being visible, and makes them self conscious about showing off their body.
Although most of my meals nowadays rely on meat as a protein source, I'm still very conscious about my plant - based roots and like to provide different options for folks within my community who choose not to eat meat or simply want a lighter option.
You might feel like everyone already knows what to do, or you may feel self - conscious about moving your body in an unfamiliar way.
Pregnancy is the most important time to be conscious about what you eat.
Part of being an overcomer is relaxing into the struggle and confronting the parts of you that are self - conscious about it.
So I embarked on Project Protein, becoming very conscious about my daily intake, and trying a good number of different things to -LSB-...]
Well, I'll cut out all of the BS, and go straight to the main points that make this program one of the most effective programs in existance for fully developing your abdominals as well as getting rid of that stubborn ugly stomach fat that is covering them up and making you self conscious about showing off that sexy body that you know is hidden under that flab!
But no matter whether they were strictly vegan or full - fledged meat eaters, I found that pretty much everyone I was working with could benefit from being more conscious about their protein consumption.
I've always been self conscious about my stomach — and written about this extensively.
Birthing is a lot easier when you're not wandering around hospital hallways being self conscious about your bottom hanging out in the breeze from your gown or not wanting to moan too loudly, lest you scare the other patients.
It's so important to be conscious about ticks and mosquitoes since they can carry many different diseases.
But I am ready — and I'm ready to write the happy ending of the Double Chin Diary, the one where I walk happily into the sunset in a tankini, not self conscious about my stomach rolls, but instead, strutting with the positive satisfaction of a life well - lived and a body and mind that feel good.
I have read about electrolyte imbalances and, although my diet may not have been optimal when I started, for the last month or so I have been very conscious about eating an abundance of green vegetables and adding a moderate amount of sea salt to my food.
Most of the people eat food just to satisfy their hunger while others are conscious about eating habits.
One of our favorite activist websites, TakePart, has compiled a list of the 7 best eco-friendly apps to help you stay conscious about your environmental footprint all year long.
I'm eating a lot healthier, I am much more conscious about what I eat, and I am loosing weight.
I was very much in touch with nature and very conscious about our connection to all living things.
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