Sentences with phrase «conscious act»

If the final word of the phrase were not spoken for some reason, the lacuna would probably be filled in by the hearers, or else the anonymous train of expectations would be broken, giving rise to more conscious acts of surprise, puzzlement, etc..
Krueger believes this may explain why we do many socially conscious acts, such as taking time to vote even though we know that our individual vote probably won't make a difference.
Probably the most conscious act of love that Leo commits is to stay invisible.
In Beuys» sense, Knöller's drawing process is also an expression of material - thinking and thus the result of a very conscious act of thinking.
Whether we bless the food, a brother, or the work we do every day, it's the conscious act of wishing positively what makes a difference in our lives, and of those who absorb the good energy.
Bleich's rejection of change and subjectivity, therefore, is fully ideological in character: it is a willed, conscious act, a No in thunder to the premises of the modernist position.
Every characteristic you mentioned is a conscious act of manipulation.
Furthermore, people should take a longer time to decide to act honestly if doing so requires a conscious act of «Will,» but a relatively shorter time to act if all you need is a bit of «Grace.»
Ideally, creating a family is a conscious act.
Every act becomes a conscious act.
Charming in the Grant stylebook refers to something he does as a conscious act, and what is remarkable here is that Grant is — well, likable.
At the same time, I'm greatly interested in the concerns of perceptual art, a genre of painting I adore not leastwise for it's inclusiveness (one needn't have a knowledge of art history to enjoy Op - art), but also for the way its static images engage the viewer in the conscious act of looking.»
Through Christopher Clary's portraiture turned striptease, the artist exposes the moments of intimacy, sadness, humor, lust, even boredom of the conscious act that homos must project for others.
This self - conscious act of appropriation exposes the manner in which a potent symbol can become unmoored from what it originally signified — in the case of the cowboy, unbound freedom — by continually being recycled by the advertising industry to sell cheap products.
It is this conscious act of looking at or between two similar images / objects that is integral to the work.»
The archival impulse behind her work stresses the visual catchiness and mutability of the digital image, as well as the delicate and self - conscious act of putting oneself «online.»
The artist's calculated measures are replaced by a sense of chance, arising through the possibility of destruction and renewal: «If, while I'm painting, I distort or destroy a motif, it is not a planned or conscious act, but rather it has a different justification: I see the motif, the way I painted it, is somehow ugly or unbearable.
(Re) mnants is a conscious act of (Re) membering, (Re) imagining, and (Re) vering those who have come before us and still walk among us.
Perhaps because of his work's refusal of automatisms of any kind: holding on to the painters» conscious act of painting, and at the same time withdrawing the ego from the painting process.
In this, Gilbert & George have sought to eliminate the conscious act of «art - making», asserting instead the reality, as reported by the print news media of London, that lies at the heart of their subject: the routine volatility of contemporary society.
Painting becomes a product of technology as much as a conscious act from the artist.
For me, this turns using the Internet into a conscious act.
Thinking clearly is a conscious act that writers must force on themselves, as if they were working on any other project that requires logic....
The mental capacity to carry out a conscious act.
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