Sentences with phrase «conscious states»

Immaterial (on view at Ballroom Marfa until February), explores arts potential to transcend conscious states, while not privileging More...
Immaterial (on view at Ballroom Marfa until February), explores arts potential to transcend conscious states, while not privileging the metaphysical over the sensuous.
By using the exhibition as a forum to consider process - driven practices, Immaterial will consider art's potential to transcend conscious states through a plurality of visual languages.
Although it is not known if she had knowledge of the spatial theories of Morris and André, she would have known about their work, which is in an area her own work delves that is related to notions of visual metaphor incorporating conscious states other than the immediate present — Morris» mental space.
Why is it that neurons in motor pathways, which can produce a large repertoire of different outputs and thereby relay a large amount of information about different conscious states, do not contribute directly to consciousness?
Previous studies suggested that stimulation of thalamic neurons may awaken patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury from minimally conscious states.
First, conscious states are highly differentiated; they are informationally very rich.
And where climate conscious states have made significant progress on the first score, they have barely moved the needle on the second.
If one wishes to speak of a multiplicity of conscious states, they must surely be viewed as interpenetrating.
Ward then runs into difficulty, because he believes in an afterlife, but as the soul is «truly material» for him, he is left without a subject of our conscious states in the next life.
Just as we find the various conscious states of our experience enter into the constitution of one another, so the units of becoming must be related in this way.
In identifying time with space we identify it with a series of externally related and discrete points, and this denies the internal relatedness and infusion of conscious states which both Bergson and James insisted were the characteristic features of conscious life.
In it we can perhaps catch a glimpse, still in the marginal, conscious state, of individual, germinal heredity in process of formation: as though organic mutation at this stage took the form of a psychic invention contrived by the parents and transmitted by them.
No one would want to survive in a conscious state either, I guess, if they were brain damaged.
For he insists, as an empirical fact, on the presence of «a special qualitative feel to each type of conscious state» (MC 61).
In fact, fasting as a spiritual practice is a way to experience the pleasure of a higher conscious state, mindfully detaching from mealtimes as a way to re-focus.
I started craft blogging a week or two ago, and I'm a nervous, self - conscious state over it.
Martin was responsible for coming up with this idea, then testing it in healthy volunteers before trying it out on people thought to be in a minimally conscious state.
Another 280,000 people with traumatic brain injuries linger in a minimally conscious state (MCS), with wavering awareness and a sporadic ability to respond to stimuli.
Any particular conscious state rules out an immense number of other possible states, from which it differs in its own particular way.
The new report shows that even in a very low functioning brain «a shift in observable behaviors from none, a vegetative state, to some limited ones — a minimally conscious state — can occur,» said Dr. Nicholas Schiff, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medical College who was not involve in the current case.
Schiff and his colleagues used an electrode implanted in the thalamus to restore some brain activity to a patient who had been in a minimally conscious state for 21 years, they reported last year, though the change did not bring about real - world improvements.
The randomized, placebo - controlled study, Familiar Auditory Sensory Training (FAST), enrolled 15 patients with traumatic closed head injuries who were in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.
Disorders of consciousness can refer to a wide range of problems, ranging from a full - blown coma to a minimally conscious state in which patients may experience brief periods where they can communicate and follow instructions.
When people temporarily emerge from a minimally conscious state, it's hard to gauge how much they are really aware of.
«Two patients emerged from a minimally conscious state altogether.»
People who have been in a minimally conscious state for weeks or years have been temporarily roused using mild electrical stimulation.
If the technology helps other people recovering from coma, Monti said, it could eventually be used to build a portable device — perhaps incorporated into a helmet — as a low - cost way to help «wake up» patients, perhaps even those who are in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.
The conscious state of mind is experienced in the exclusive, first - person perspective of each of our organisms, never observable by anyone else.
There was some overlap between the range of scores for patients considered to be in a «minimally conscious state,» showing intermittent signs of awareness, such as following simple movement commands, and those who had emerged from this state but were still disoriented and had limited communication.
Less severe brain damage leads to a minimally conscious state (MCS).
Their analysis revealed 14 conditions: addiction, Alzheimer's disease, anorexia, depression, dystonia, epilepsy, essential tremor, gait dysfunction, Huntington's disease, minimally conscious state, obsessive compulsive disorder, pain, Parkinson disease and Tourette syndrome.
One research subject was a 58 - year - old woman who was in a minimally conscious state after a stroke.
There is also the case of George Melendez, a Texas man who, after nearly drowning, fell into a minimally conscious state and remained there for two years.
«I explained how we go through the assessment process, the importance of differential diagnosis, distinguishing between vegetative state and minimally conscious state.
Disorders of consciousness come in shades of gray, from severely impaired «vegetative states» to the perplexing «minimally conscious state» in which people slip into and out of awareness.
At the time of admission for functional MRI scanning (5 years after the ictus), the patient was assumed to remain in a vegetative state, although extensive behavioral testing after the functional MRI revealed reproducible, but inconsistent, responses indicative of a minimally conscious state.
These results show that a small proportion of patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state have brain activation reflecting some awareness and cognition.
There are two main goals in the clinical assessment of patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.
At the time of scanning, however, thorough retesting at the bedside showed reproducible but highly fluctuating and inconsistent signs of awareness (see the Supplementary Appendix), findings that are consistent with the diagnosis of a minimally conscious state.
In 2002, the Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Work Group coined the term «minimally conscious state» to describe the condition of such patients, thereby adding a new clinical entity to the spectrum of disorders of consciousness.6
A convenience sample of 54 patients with severe brain injury, including 23 in a vegetative state and 31 in a minimally conscious state, underwent functional MRI as a means of evaluating their performance on motor and spatial imagery tasks.
The minimally conscious state: definition and diagnostic criteria.
Similarly, in some awake and aware patients who were in a minimally conscious state, the tasks may simply have exceeded their residual cognitive capabilities.
Patients in a minimally conscious state (MCS) fall into an importantly different diagnostic category than patients in the more familiar vegetative sta...
Anodal and sham tDCS were delivered in randomized order over the left DLPF cortex for 20 minutes in patients in a vegetative state / unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS / UWS) or in a minimally conscious state (MCS) assessed at least 1 week after acute traumatic or non-traumatic insult.
Researchers suggest the process of unconscious hearing is indicative of «locked - in syndrome,» or a minimally conscious state, rather than a true coma.
As you observe your meditation in a conscious state, remind yourself of this intent.
viii - Samadhi (enlightenment): Self - realization, enlightenment & the super conscious state, experience of unity and absorption in the Absolute and oneness.
3) Citizen's Mark makes it their mission to ensure that from sourcing to production, their whole process is done with an ethical and socially conscious state of mind.
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