Sentences with phrase «consciousness which»

The person may immediately lose consciousness which can last from a few seconds up to many months.
It is heartening because it clearly demonstrates a high level of insurance consciousness which is what all personal finance professionals have been struggling to promote in the past few years.
Apologies for repeating myself through the «authoritative» words of Lewis via the enlightened stream of consciousness which is Doc Snow and out of the physical cyberspace of Tamino's Open Mind and back to the redundant past comments on Real Climate.
MadeIn artist collective held a solo exhibition of its new works titled Action of Consciousness which explored the concept of action.
its flickering attitude frustrates while captivates consciousness which trails off only to be gripped again with its slightest movement.
This frequency has kept mortality at the forefront of my consciousness which I use the emotional toll as fuel for my making and research.
There is some lovely prose worthy of this author, but much of the novel is Malik's stream of consciousness which is sometimes amusing or interesting, but is sometimes rather tedious.
One can even imagine a pure and self - aware consciousness which thinks of itself as impersonal spontaneity.
He taught how one can grow in self - knowledge with a learning, observing and listening mind and thereby come upon a transformation of consciousness which is a real change and not just a change of concepts in the head.
Research on the origin of the observer allows discovery of consciousness which is the common denominator of all people, regardless of their national, racial and religious affiliation.
Each new presidency ushers in a new era in the American collective consciousness which, in turn, can't help but color not just the films that get made but how Oscar voters respond to those films.
Part of the practice of yoga is to allow our minds to steady, and allowing us to know the Self is none other than the Supreme Reality, the Universal Consciousness which is the same as yoga.
In other words, that is the part where you sit still and wait with alert attention for «spontaneous awakening» or the pull of your own magnetic power of attraction toward union with Supreme Consciousness which requires no efforting on your part... this is where the caterpillar (you) waits in it's cocoon (gets still) until it naturally transforms (remember, it doesn't have to do anything for this to occur nor can it make it occur) into a butterfly.
«From this we can begin to answer some of the big questions about the workings of the brain and consciousness which seem to depend on connectivity,» she says.
-LSB-...] The assignment was designed to counter terrorists» propaganda and other campaigns on security consciousness which we successfully executed in the last three years.
But the final consciousness which each type reaches of union with the divine has the same practical significance for the individual; and individuals may well be allowed to get to it by the channels which lie most open to their several temperaments.
We should perhaps attempt to clarify this distinction between self - understanding and self - consciousness which Bultmann makes.
This dissolution issues for the sake of a more inclusive relation to the world; we are dealing with the formation of a world - consciousness which goes beyond the horizons of both the familiar and the more remote human social environment.
If A and B represent two minds, largely private, but nevertheless capable of interacting directly or indirectly: A perceives certain regularities in its stream of consciousness which it ascribes to an external reality, B; but, as it does not enter into B's stream of consciousness, it in general tends to consider B as merely an unconscious source of disturbance, i.e., as matter.
What else can this mean except that, as shown by the development of nervous systems, there is a continual heightening, a rising tide of consciousness which visibly manifests itself on our planet in the course of the ages?
I subjoin a few extracts from Mr. Schiller's work: «Matter is an admirably calculated machinery for regulating, limiting, and restraining the consciousness which it encases....
In these terms the unity of consciousness which Hartshorne raised previously is explained by Brightman in interactive terms between distinct consciousness and not in terms of a continuum (my word) of one single consciousness.
How about it as a state of consciousness which brings us to a dimension which has a higher energy than this one.
Granted that this is not the subjectivity of consciousness which Whitehead considers to be the task of philosophy to correct, but subjectivity as the primary metaphysical situation, it seems self - evident that unless subjectivity at the metaphysical level is mitigated, the same also can not be secured at the level of consciousness.
Stace makes the point that most of our intellectual processes are tied to sensations and images but that in mystical consciousness there are no external sensations at all, for one has gone beyond the level of the consciousness which relies upon such sensory input and of the intellectual processes which demarcate and integrate this sensory input.
This idea of a consciousness which posits itself in positing its contents undoubtedly constitutes the strongest resistance to any idea of revelation, not only in the specific sense of the religions of the book, but also in the larger, more global sense that we have just connected to the poetic function of discourse,
«8 This is the new feminine consciousness which can be nurtured in a liberation growth group.
It was reserved for his successors to convert Kant's notion of Bewusstsein überhaupt, or abstract consciousness, into an infinite concrete self - consciousness which is the soul of the world, and in which our sundry personal self - consciousnesses have their being.
Motivating this global culture is the growing global consciousness which we have just described.
Gone, too, (at least virtually and in aspiration), is the infernal circle of egocentrism, meaning the isolation, in some sort ontological, which prohibits our escape from self to share the point of view even of those we love best: as though the Universe were composed of as many fragmentary universes, repelling each other, as the sum total of the centers of consciousness which it embraces.
The future - consciousness which today pervades Jew, Christian, and secularist alike is the cultural gift to us of the faith of Israel and of the church.
What we fundamentally understand is another consciousness which makes itself absolute, at the same time free and real.
Hegel's term for this form of consciousness that realizes itself by losing all the essence and substance of itself is the Unhappy Consciousness, a consciousness which realizes itself by interiorly realizing that God Himself is dead (Phenomenology of Spirit 785).
The «Catch 22» — and the reason for appropriating the name «original sin» instead of simply describing these conditions as the way of things — is that personal action depends upon structures of consciousness which themselves involve seeds of their own transcendence.
They are assaults upon consciousness which are intended to jar the hearers and readers into seeing the world in new ways.
The correlation of judgment with judgment, of criteriology with trial, only expresses, in judicial terms, the relation of two acts: the act of a self - consciousness which divests (se depouille) itself and tries to understand itself, the act of testifying by which the absolute is revealed in its signs and its works.
This is a subject or self - consciousness which becomes deeply reborn in early modernity, thence being renewed in a uniquely modern apocalyptic thinking, only to be absolutely negated in Nietzsche's apocalyptic dissolution of the «I,» an «I» which he could know as the creation of ressentiment.
Consciousness which otherwise would have been restricted to the object, or submerged in the performance of an act, is set free.
It is obvious to me that I altered my brain significantly after years of intense / deep prayer and meditation and that as a result of these contributory experiences I was a high - functioning schizophrenic for a good portion of my life — there were things going on in my biology which predisposed me to being a depressive and a high - functioning schizophrenic but engaging in intense / deep prayer and meditation was only exacerbating this problem by altering my state of consciousness which precipitated the psychotic symptoms and psychic phenomena which I experienced.
However, as Schindler has suggested, self - consciousness could be understood as immanent in the present moment of experience as a nonthetic consciousness which would not amount to knowledge in the sense of objectification.
Is it the Christian spirit, on the contrary: the spirit of service and of giving; Man struggling like Jacob to conquer and attain a supreme center of consciousness which calls to him; the evolution of the earth ending in an act of union?
It seems that where Man is concerned the specific function of education is to ensure the continued development of this personality by transmitting it to the endlessly changing mass: in other words, to extend and ensure in collective mankind a consciousness which may already have reached its limit in the individual.
The narrator's exploration of the depths of his imagination transforms him into a disembodied consciousness which soars away from the earth.
Using the Deuteronomic Creed as model, Dalit theology can construct the historical Dalit consciousness which has to do with their roots, identities and struggle for human dignity and «for the right to live as free people created in the image of God.»
Events in the stream of human consciousness which are actual and supposedly spacy find no support here by analogy for their imperceptibility.
For he can help us to get some spiritual distance on our cultural situation; he can increase our awareness of those aspects of our modern consciousness which cut the heart out of our Christian experience, and so help to free us from them; he can help engender in us a sense of humor about ourselves which comes from taking a less contemporary and more eternal perspective — a perspective in which our love of God, our gratefulness to Christ and our concern for our neighbor will have a chance to grow.
The empirical dimension of religious experience is founded on a sensitivity to what Whitehead has discerned as the value matrix of existence, whose religious meaning is grasped in the moment of consciousness which fuses the value of the individual for itself, the value of the diverse individuals for each other, and the value of the world - totality.
This means that through the internal creativity of the biblical perspective, joined with the modern historical consciousness which it helped to create, a new possibility has been opened up for reconceiving the meaning of God's being in relation to time and history.
Jesus embodied an absolute dependence on God and it was the «glorious clearness» of the God - consciousness which Jesus exhibited that was the reason to call him divine.
Without his putting himself in a religious frame of mind, creating for himself religious experiences, awakening within himself a so - called natural consciousness of God, thus without his being compelled to adopt forms of consciousness which he can no longer recapture, he must be encountered in his life, which has become secular, by the good news from the Lord of the world, who has committed himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth to the world and the secularity of the stable and the gallows («without the camp» of religion, Hebrews 13:13) 15
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