Sentences with phrase «consensus over the fact»

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And in just that apparent consensus about the ridiculousness of it all, amid all those ashes scattered over a Christian teaching stretching back two millennia, arises a fascinating and in fact exceedingly amusing modern morality tale — amusing, at least, to those who take their humor dark.
In fact, there is not even a consensus over the scale of that threat.
The white paper is the result of months of cross-party talks, and Mr Straw told MPs today that there had been a consensus on some key issues, including the fact that decisions made in the House of Commons would always take precedence over those in the Lords.
Over the past decade substantial advances have been made in aging research, reaching a consensus in the fact that dietary restriction (DR), and in particular... >> MORE
In other words, a broad consensus remains with respect to national standards, despite the fact that public debate over the Common Core has begun to polarize the public along partisan lines.
In other words, a consensus remains with respect to national standards, despite the fact that public debate over the Common Core has begun to polarize the public along partisan lines.
If the facts don't over rule authority and consensus, then it's not science.
Despite a growing scientific consensus about global warming, as of 2008 Democrats and Republicans had cleaved over the facts stated above, like a divorcing couple.
Those with interpretations should ALL (as long as they are decent quality) publish their interpretations and then the scientific community will mull it all over and whilst it may come to some general consensus as to what is most likely, the final arbiter is as you say the facts.
The exuberance with which the latest «97 %» study has been greeted by many of those who want to promote constructive engagement with climate science reflects a distressing resistance to take in the more general «scientific consensus» that exists among science of science communication researchers that neither a deficit in knowledge of facts — ones relating to the science of climate as well as ones relating to the extent of scientific consensus — nor a deficit in the ability to make sense of scientific information is the source of continuing conflict over climate change.
In other words, the fact that public opinion about consensus hasn't shifted over the last decade implies that consensus messaging is ineffective.
Laughable claim: Presenting facts as «consensus» bridges conservative - liberal divide over climate change
Conversation has so far centered on how the need for a supermajority consensus in network decision - making means that any mining pool with enough hashing power holds effective veto power over any proposal, a fact many believe is responsible for delays in SegWit adoption.
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