Sentences with phrase «consequence of a price on carbon»

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Also, you have to see how to manage some of the distribution and social consequences of carbon pricing, which will mediate the actual nature of the price, what it's put on, who is compensated or not over time as well.
But the upside is three-fold: (i) your tax reduction or dividend check will offset much, perhaps more than 100 %, of those price increases; (ii) you'll be able to minimize your tax bite by cutting down on fuel usage (e.g., shortening those country drives, buying locally - grown produce, purchasing «green power» from wind and solar cells); and (iii) Americans» combined behavior changes in response to the carbon tax will go a long way toward protecting the climate and averting the cataclysmic consequences of unchecked global warming.
I am involved in a community radio program for the unemployed in Wollomngong and last November we started to discuss the fallacy of the carbon dioxide catastrophic glogal warming hypothesis and the catstrophic consequences for employment in Wollongong if ever a price was put on carbon dioxide emissions.
Multiple lines of scientific evidence overwhelmingly show that human greenhouse gas emissions are the dominant cause of the current global warming, that the consequences of that warming will on the whole be bad, and that there are cost - effective solutions to the problem, of which carbon pricing systems are a critical component.
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