Sentences with phrase «consequences of a warming planet»

That's the threshold that the scientific consensus says we must not exceed if we're to avoid the grimmer consequences of a warming planet.
In California, local grassroots groups have been successful in pushing polluters to clean up their communities and compelling government agencies to protect residents from the consequences of a warming planet.
At best, it will cut emissions by about half as much as is necessary to stave off the most devastating consequences of a warming planet.
Sea level rise is the least worrisome of the negative consequences of a warming planet.
Although ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions could mitigate even worse catastrophe, momentum has shifted in part to preparing for the inevitable consequences of a warmer planet
This is the only so - far - ultimate consequence of warming the planet and the oceans.
There are negative consequences of a warmer planet, and there are positive effects as well.

Not exact matches

Because our knowledge of the many delicate balances in the ecology of the planet is still in its infancy, and because what is known is not widely understood, the consequences of what the human race is (in its ignorance) doing to the earth may turn out to be even more serious than global warming.
In climate science, for example, where we don't need an elaborate climate model to understand the basic physics and chemistry of greenhouse gases, so at some level the fact that increased CO2 warms the planet is a consequence of very basic physics and chemistry.
As extreme weather events likely connected to the planet's warming climate become increasingly common, low - income communities are positioned to suffer the worst consequences during the aftermath of natural disasters, write the authors of a report from the Center for American Progress called «One Storm Shy of Despair.»
A complete failure of the agreement at this point, with business - as - usual growth for another decade, would almost certainly commit the planet to significantly more warming than the Paris goals, and the human consequences of this would be catastrophic.
The planet is getting warmer, ocean temperatures are rising, the polar ice caps are melting, and all of the incontrovertible science of climate change is that more extreme - weather events are an inevitable consequence.
The steady rise of Earth's temperature as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere and trap more and more heat is sending the planet spiraling closer to the point where warming's catastrophic consequences may be all but assured.
As the planet warms, scientists have observed a radical disruption in the geographic distribution of thousands of animals and plants, which has unknown consequences for species survival.
Gilles Langourieux, CEO of Virtuos, said: «We wanted to deliver a game that provokes greater social awareness around the threats and consequences of global warming to our planet if we don't change fast enough.
If the planet's climate were changing solely because that's what planets do, evolve through different climatic periods of warming and cooling over millions of years, adverse consequences like the loss of coral reefs and the potential for disappearing Polar Bears would still be undeniably sad, but at least a little easier to swallow.
Never before has it been possible for people from all over the world to access the latest information and collectively seek solutions to the challenges which face our planet, and not a moment too soon: the year 2015 was the hottest in human history, and the Great Barrier Reef is suffering the consequences of warming oceans right now.
Coal that's mined from federal lands is burned in coal - fired power plants; coal - fired power plants emit carbon pollution; and carbon pollution warms our planet and contributes to increasingly destructive weather events and other consequences of climate disruption (2).
Gore's call to «make peace with the planet» requires an integrated awareness and action against both global warming and global warring, simultaneously — Gore describes the problem as huge, but in limiting it to civilian activities, not including military madness and mayhem, it is not huge enough — if a patient has both diabetes and severe trauma, both conditions must be treated now — militization trumps civilization in the headlines of today and tomorrow — if the truth is that both global warming everywhere and global warring anywhere are linked in the human biosphere, and if that truth is inconvenient to Mr Gore and the civilian scope of his campaign against global warming, lethal consequences for both humans and other species will continue — in cinematic terms, the great «An Inconvenient Truth» must be blended and coordinated with the great «Why We Fight»
Because the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, with grave consequences for local biodiversity and cultures, and for low - lying communities around the world at risk from climate change.
Although the countries of Africa have some of the lowest overall and per capita global warming emissions on the planet, they are also likely to suffer from some of the worst consequences of climate change.
Roger disputed that carbon (as CO2) caused any warming, that honest, unaltered science thought CO2 to be the consequence rather than the driver of temperature increases, that increasing CO2 in the air was sourced by natural phenomena rather than mostly man - made, and that to decrease CO2 to levels required by regulation would start to starve plants, making more folks on the planet to starve accordingly.
To me all the witnesses and senators are obviously persons of consequence but I don't think your excerpt shows that anyone should think he takes issue with this statement — «No one questions that surface temperatures have increased overall since 1880, or that humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, or that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the planet
What is particularly galling to me is when my colleagues predict all sorts of adverse health consequences from a small amount of warming and greening of the planet, when the reverse is far more likely, and when health and life expectancy always rise hand - in - hand with the deployment of reliable, affordable fossil fuel energy.
These several billion individuals, who IPCC officials confirmed are currently operating in 195 countries worldwide, are together responsible for what experts called the «lion's share» of the devastating consequences of global warming affecting the entire planet.
A documentary of people living with the consequences of global warming as well as scientists» new approaches to mitigating climate change and adapting to an evolving planet.
While it is widely recognized that continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming of the planet and this warming could lead to damaging economic and social consequences, the exact timing and severity of physical effects are difficult to estimate.
Now, you've got your Apple - lovers (aka: warmists or hysterics) who seek to discern the «signal» of combustion's consequence in warming a planet between 2 / 3rds & 3 / 4ths covered by oceans whose mixed layer is some ten times as massive as its air.
CAN the countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom) take international legal action against the states that are warming the planet with devastating consequences, not only for their survival, but in some cases even their existence?
(4) In consequence, it may well be that the planet has warmed over the 20th century, and maybe one day we will be able to say so with confidence from new data and new methodologies (WRT proxies, of course).
There is not even a shred of credible evidence that any warming we have experienced or will experience will, on the scale of things, have adverse consequences for human life on the planet.
With consequences of global warming on our planet already changing our weather systems, predictions suggest our output of CO2 into the atmosphere will not peak until...
A natural consequence of science is that over time, as evidence accumulates and points in a certain direction, is that the experts start agreeing on the most likely explanation (eg that smoking increases the risk of cancer; that GHG emissions will cause a positive energy imbalance of the planet which will warm up as a result).
The report, The Human Cost of Weather - Related Disasters 1995 - 2015, is intended to focus attention during the UN climate change conference — which opens in Paris on Monday − on the damage already inflicted by global warming as a consequence of rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, in turn as a consequence of the human combustion of fossil fuels and the destruction of the planet's forests.
Climate scientists know that the planet is warming, and dangerously, as a consequence of ever higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere thanks to changes humans have made to the planet's atmospheric chemistry — and they know it can get worse.
Release URL BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday January 2, 2014 By Sir Ronald Sanders Can the countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) take international legal action against the States that are warming the planet with devastating consequences not only for their survival, but in some cases even their existence?
We know that the consequences of unchecked global warming would be catastrophic... We as a human species have a deep and abiding obligation to this planet and to the generations that will come after us.
There are people who would rather drastically manipulate the Earth's environment with technology without understanding the consequences instead of investing first in doing the heavy lifting that would be necessary by humans to reduce the warming of the planet.
In light of the consequences that runaway global warming poses to human civilization and life in all forms on the planet, this is unconscionable.
Climate models predict that as a consequence of anthropogenic global warming, the planet should warm more at night than during the day.
The fight has evolved from clashing over human actions and whether they are warming the planet to portraying the consequences of warming as harmful, insignificant or even beneficial.
And it's downright deceitful to focus on this minucia while ignoring the bigger picture of a warming globe and increasingly stressful extreme weather events that will continue inflicting greater damage on a complex society that seems to be committed to ignoring the consequences of increasing our planet's atmosphere's insulating medium (GHGs) by a third.
It comes down to this: We know the human burning of fossil fuel is very rapidly warming the planet, and we know that the longer we wait, the harsher the consequences and the more costly it is to prevent them.
Only recently has the general public come to realize the grave consequences that a warmer planet would have and that climate change is truly one of the greatest challenges we have ever faced.
De Witt, are you saying «THS???» because you don't know it stands for tropical hot spot [which I can't believe] or because you don't get the connection between backradiation and a THS, which I understood to be the case because the Troposphere would warm faster than the surface since it is being heated by a warmer surface, to wit, the surface of the planet which is getting warmed by the aforesaid backradiation; and in addition to but not withstanding that the troposphere whould also rise which would be another aspect of the THS, with the final characteristic being that said THS would occur in the tropics where the warming effect of extra water would be most pronounced, also as a consequence of backradiation?
These cloud changes are, of course, hardly without consequence — the growth of so - called dry zones or drylands, as the planet warms, has been long predicted and indeed, observed by climate scientists.
The consequences of the warming can not be accurately predicted but it is generally acknowledged that the warming will result in significant changes to the planet with serious consequences for mankind.
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