Sentences with phrase «consequences of inaction»

Inaction Equals AnnihilationIn this context, consider the moral consequences of inaction on climate change.
The 2007 International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most authoritative source of climate science, spelled out the likely consequences of inaction, including extreme heat and precipitation, droughts, and rising seas.
Because our place in Infamous meets our earlier criteria: we make a tangible difference in Seattle (high impact) and we're faced with terrible and immediate consequences of inaction (rounding up and killing Conduits).
It focuses instead exclusively on the costs of reducing emissions, which are likely to be far less over time than the costly consequences of inaction.
In discussing some of the key issues involved, my hope is that as concerned citizens of the world, we will be enthused about taking some action, big or small, once we realize the enormity of the possible consequences of inaction.
The harmful consequences of this inaction have prevented Massachusetts from fully unlocking the potential of the clean energy economy and have jeopardized our ability to meet the strong mandates of the GWSA.
Though there is talk of innovation, it is innovation to get us to the next quarter; i.e., the lookout has been for the short - term rather than looking at the long - term consequences of inaction or «slow» action.
But if people can't act on their values when the stakes aren't high, then how can they expect to act on them when the consequences of their inaction affect not only themselves, but an entire group of people?
Looking at the current forecast models for gridlock, the consequences of inaction are significant both at home and when examining our global competitiveness.
It only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction
Taking into into consideration how few alternatives are currently available to address this situation, not to mention the consequences of inaction being so dire if left to continue unabated, it's hardly something that anyone can afford to dismiss too lightly, not just here in Australia, but every community the world over, as well.
The consequences of your inaction won't be felt for decades.
But she did it by forcing her hearers to visualize the consequences of their inaction.
We are now witness to the consequences of that inaction, and faced with a more entrenched problem given that trust in the police and the perceived authority will now be incredibly damaged.
Looking across the Channel, we see the consequences of inaction.
In the case of the Senate, however, the consequences of inaction will fall most heavily on New York City's public school students, and that should be avoided at all costs.
Oh Boy does not necessarily criticise inaction, but it does explore the consequences of inaction in the form of generation divisions and how the past can haunt the present.
This makes One Floor Below unfold at a slow, steady boil, with Corban providing a strong, understated performance as his character has to deal with the consequences of his inaction.
But it's possible — and the consequences of inaction are too high.
But there is one simple truth: The consequences of inaction are too evident in our state.
More people to understand the consequences of inaction especially for low - income urban youth who are hit hard by our failure to provide every student with an excellent educational experience.
The consequences of inaction are the things you must face as a result of doing nothing or not enough.
Consequence of inaction (what if I do nothing?)
Claim: Most important of all, the book outlines a clear agenda for tackling these problems moving forward (and the consequences of inaction).
Cassavetes gave his actors the option to do nothing, and reassured them that the consequence of their inaction wouldn't be held against them, and would be accepted by him, and by the film, with gratitude for their naturalness, «Anyone can sit down and have a drink in a natural way if you don't force them to do things they don't really feel... what is needed between actor and director is a mutual understanding of human problems.»
-- Persuading 300 million Americans to accept the science that a future crisis exists, recognize the consequences of inaction, transform fundamentally the way they fuel their cars, heat their homes, power their businesses — is a monumental political, social, and communications challenge.
The consequences of inaction, of failing to rein - in the damage being done to this protective shield by human activity, would have been devastating to all life on the planet.
President Obama should lead in talking about the consequences of inaction on climate change (June 18, 2009)
The consequences of inaction are 100 + years down the line.
Regardless of where you heard the news, our vulnerability in the face of Mother Nature's ferocity and the consequences of inaction were impossible to ignore and — for millions worldwide — underscored the urgency of taking action.
At the level of effort needed to rise to the challenge, it seems to us likely that the support just won't be there — unless people are very clear about why the changes are needed and about the consequences of inaction.
The consequences of inaction far outweigh the investments when it comes to tomorrow's technologies.
This time, it's not just scientists warning the world of the consequences of inaction.
Many of these Laredo residents will never understand the consequences of their inactions until it is too late and they are faced with a horrible situation.
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