Sentences with phrase «consequences of one's acts»

So we choose our massively discounted books and click on «Buy now with 1 - click» and we turn a blind eye to the ethical consequences of the act of consumption.
For one of the most important, difficult, and delicate duties incumbent on one who loves is to point out to loved ones the natural and probable consequences of their acts.
«Given the significant consequences of acting as an unregistered broker - dealer and the increased attention being given to this issue by the SEC staff, private - fund advisers should consider reviewing their practices to determine whether any activities that may be approaching or crossing the line would require broker - dealer registration,» David Blass, the chief counsel of the SEC's division of trading and markets, suggested in a speech last April.
Nor would they be seeking to justify a «lie» by calculating the different consequences of their act and predicting that there will be a benign balance of the good results over the bad.
The more we try to control these differences, the more we undermine one of the key reasons for the achievement advantages of such schools - their creation of social capital, the advantageous consequences of the act of choice in creating the community in the first place.
That's why the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is asking Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to address the unintended consequences of the Act.
Pleading ignorance: You ignore or misconstrue the consequences of the act.
The power to make unacceptable choices exposes the dark side of individualism» the presumption that we can safely predict the consequences of our acts.
Because all that I am and do is taken up into the divine life along with all the consequences of my acts in the lives of others, I can not escape the seriousness, the importance, of how I use my freedom.
Yet, in my opinion, the assumptions are demonstrably false and the consequences of acting on them are disastrous.
Recalling the strategy of appeasement that ultimately enabled Hitler to conquer most of Europe, she says that «to concentrate only on the consequences of acting is only half the job.»
There's a significant portion of society, made up of «irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers.
We can not know the consequences of our acts, however noble our intentions.
Moral judgment, which is closer to action than to thought, demands that we live with the consequences of our acts, some of which are irretrievable.
Most definitions I'm seeing involve something like, «having the faculty of reasoning and understanding» or «having or indicating an understanding of the nature and consequences of an act or decision,» which the universe in general does not display.
It would therefore be mistaken to characterise the judgment of the drone pilot as «virtual», precisely because the consequences of his act are inextricably linked to them.
Accordingly, the United States» NATO Allies stand ready to provide the assistance that may be required as a consequence of these acts of barbarism.
«As a responsible government, we will never tolerate or condone all troublemakers, criminals and killers; they should be ready to face the consequences of their acts.
«As people get the kick from escalating alcohol levels, the same increases reduce the brain's ability to suppress impulsive feelings or to consider the consequences of acting on them.»
This movement seeks to actively involve all those directly affected by wrongdoing — victims, offenders, their families, and friends — in addressing the consequences of an act and deciding how to repair the harm resulting from the offense.
As it comes up for reauthorization, members of Congress should consider the unintended consequence of the act: a new gap between poor and minority students, who are being taught to seek simple answers, and largely wealthy and white students, who are learning to ask complex questions.
A Critical Analysis of the Writing Style of Isabel AllendeMemory is fragile and the space of a single life is brief, passing so quickly that we never get a chance to see the relationship between events; we can not gauge the consequences of our acts, and we believe in the fiction of past, present, and future, but it may also be true that everything happens simultaneously — Isabel Allende Isabel Allende asked, «How can one not Continue reading
It's those who bring in, tire of, and give up pets with childish disregard for the consequences of their acts that need help.
Pups who are genetically programmed to be reinforced for the consequences of acting behaviorally bold are naturally easier to socialize, even if their first few weeks lacked stimulation, than ones who are genetically programmed to be reinforced for the results of acting timid or fearful.
I wish every citizen will know the consequence of every act they do.
It conceded, however, that the consequence of that act was indeed to insert a new provision of primary law in the Treaty.
The consequences of the Act's application are best understood by considering three hypothetical scenarios: (1) the negligent driver was hauling a load pursuant to a contractual agreement with a «for - hire motor carrier of property,» as defined by Veh.
However, knowledge that the act, or consequence of the act, is criminal is not necessary - rather, the knowledge of the act or its consequences is sufficient.
Capacity to agree The Court of Appeal drew a distinction between the capacity for understanding the nature and consequences of an act and the capacity to agree to or refuse.
Capacity means the ability to understand the nature and consequences of some act or situation and also the ability to take proper decisions in regard to those.
There is no moral difficulty in holding today's polluters responsible for the consequence of their acts.
But in practice the consequences of that act are limited to whatever Turkey allows, or to what Russia and its allies can impose on Turkey.
Defence lawyer Joseph Neuberger retained a forensic psychiatrist to assess the client, and after careful review of the evidence and the assessment, Joseph Neuberger negotiated a mental health diversion as the client was suffering from a disorder that impacted his ability to appreciate the nature and consequences of his acts.
As a consequence of acting for brain injured clients, we are very aware of the ripple effect a brain injury can have on many different lives and actively support the aims of this new campaign.
Employers need to be clear about their obligations, as the consequences of acting unlawfully can be grievances from employees, or significant compensation claims for unfair dismissal and discrimination.
Their concern is not unwarranted, but it ignores the fundamental nature of the consequences of their acts.
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