Sentences with phrase «consequences of their divorce settlement»

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The goal of Collaborative Practice is to maximize the settlement options to both parties, to increase the abilities of families to communicate in a post-separation relationship, and to minimize, if not eliminate, the negative economic, social and emotional consequences to families that are experiencing separation or divorce.
For instance, when it comes to divorce, the consequences of the choice of jurisdiction of where a spouse chooses to petition, could produce major differences in the final financial settlement further down the line.
In Robinson, the judge found that the Property Settlement Agreement was atypical and was driven by the husband's attempt to keep his entire military pension and to minimize the income tax consequences of the divorce.
The most common mistakes attorneys and clients make during a divorce include not considering the tax consequences of a settlement, allowing family and friends to interfere with decisions, allowing emotions to dictate decisions, forgetting you may need cash after the divorce, not securing divorce payments with insurance, trying to hide facts or assets, quitting a job to get more child support or alimony, failing to prepare for settlement negotiations or mediation, dating during a divorce, putting the children in the middle of the divorce, getting emotionally attached to an assets, and neglecting post-divorce financial planning.
Before signing a settlement agreement, each spouse should know their rights under Florida divorce law and understand the consequences of giving up those rights.
Since many of the decisions made about the division of assets are difficult, if not impossible to change once the divorce is final, it is imperative to be fully informed of the short and long - term consequences of potential settlement alternatives, so that the family has the best chance of protecting its financial stability going forward.
As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ® and Certified Financial Planner ®, I am able to help create a picture of the potential short and long - term consequences of possible settlements BEFORE you make a commitment that could be difficult or impossible to change.
Larry is one of a very few mediators in Colorado with specialized training and years of experience with powerful software which permits a divorcing or divorced couple to understand the after - tax consequences of a proposed settlement of financial issues.
If you don't understand the tax consequences of your divorce, you may end up with a divorce settlement that is very different than the one you thought you were getting when you settled your case.
Divorcing couples need to look at the tax consequences of their settlement from a broader perspective to understand its long - term effect on the family's financial future.
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