Sentences with phrase «conservation efforts aimed»

Scientists know that tapping into local expertise is key to conservation efforts aimed at protecting biodiversity — but researchers rarely give credit to these local experts.
News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book - and publishing - related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News New Conservation Effort Aims to Protect Papa's Papers (NPR) With Cuba now more open to Americans, an effort is underway to preserve Hemingway's papers... Read more»

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«This meeting encouraged us to create the Jaguar Conservation Alliance in Brazil, a multi-institutional initiative that aims to coordinate jaguar research and conservation efforts in the Amazon, and to ensure that our collective efforts amount to more than just the sum of their parts,» RConservation Alliance in Brazil, a multi-institutional initiative that aims to coordinate jaguar research and conservation efforts in the Amazon, and to ensure that our collective efforts amount to more than just the sum of their parts,» Rconservation efforts in the Amazon, and to ensure that our collective efforts amount to more than just the sum of their parts,» Ramalho said.
The paper concludes that in light of this and other evidence of long - term anthropogenic change, we need to be more pragmatic in our conservation efforts rather than aiming for impossible «natural» states.
The project aims to document every species currently housed in zoos and educate the public on such wildlife to promote understanding and conservation efforts.
Global conservation efforts like the Mesoamerican Reef Tourism Initiative have aimed to protect the reef by limiting tourist snorkeling and scuba diving to certain designated areas, and mandating that visitors wear biodegradable sunscreens and lifejackets to further reduce impact on the sensitive ecosystem.
I spend a lot of time analyzing global climate and energy trends, far - flung conservation efforts, work aimed at improving prospects for the world's least fortunate and new technologies with promising future applications, the latest being a novel coating, described in Nature, that can in theory cool a building even on sunny days.
Emphasizing local biodiversity, the YogieWalkie aims to promote conservation efforts in the region.
That's why conservation efforts that aim to keep forests...
The company will also pay $ 100,000 in restitution to the State of Wyoming, and perform community service by making a $ 160,000 payment to the congressionally - chartered National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, designated for projects aimed at preserving golden eagles and increasing the understanding of ways to minimize and monitor interactions between eagles and commercial wind power facilities, as well as enhance eagle rehabilitation and conservation efforts in Wyoming.
Although traditional conservation efforts have been aimed at protecting apes from bushmeat poaching and habitat loss, efforts to combat organized wildlife trafficking has been largely unsuccessful.
The efforts are aimed at maintaining a zero commercial quota as established by the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO).
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