Sentences with phrase «conservative point»

But there are people with conservative points of view, who stick to the particular type of behavior and ideas.
Free online chat rooms for people with conservative points of view, who want to meet new friends for everyday communication or find someone special for serious relationships.
In fairness, I look at this process from a very conservative point of view.
This means that the asset allocation mix reaches its most conservative point, and remains fixed thereafter.
So, we are trying to be very conservative, maybe on the too - conservative point of view, but [I'd] rather do that in otherwise.
Converse and suit jacket - From a more conservative point of view, this outfit just shouldn't work.
Those who believe that the episode epitomizes journalism's bias against conservatives point to the willingness of a prestige publication and a respected editor to embarrass themselves out of deference to progressive feelings.
They create fear in the lower class by saying the conservatives will do away with welfare and then say they will keep it in place and make sure that the people continue to get what they are getting now.The Conservatives point to the 47 % who are taking some form of government handout and tell their base that this should not be so in its present state, but should be reformed.
Give this man some credit, he sees the postmodern conservative point of my post was to say that there's something — but not everything — good about the South.
I suspect that the liberal / conservative divide itself is a factor in these declining numbers, and yet the divide grows with every new disconcerting study as liberals and conservatives point at one another and yell, «It's your fault!»
Unfortunately, I think most popular «newsertainment» programs approach issues from a fundamentally conservative point of view — whether it's Larry King looking at anti-vaccine activist Jenni McCarthy like she just landed from Mars or John Stossel and his pals at 20/20 turning their mustaches up at women making choices that haven't been approved — or made for them — by some male - dominated organization (like the AMA).
Langergraber says he'd make a more conservative point, «You can't rule out that it's genetic.»
Instead of only discussing the «information», they begin talks with phrases like, «Imagine if you will...», and as we've seen, it's with very good reason: stories help sell arguments of all types, from, «I believe that these liberal / conservative points of view are correct,» to, «I believe this product is suited for my goals.»
Opinion polls showed that voters had opposed privatization at the outset (as did the press and many Conservative back benchers), but the Conservatives pointed out that Tony Blair rode to victory in part by abandoning «Clause Four» of the Labour Party's 1904 constitution, advocating state control over the means of production, distribution and exchange.
Conservatives pointed out that you couldn't count on government to help you in a disaster.
The president's giant turnip of a campaign in 2008 is perhaps a trap from which a mere reliance on the auxiliary precautions of the constitutional form of government could withstand — at least from a conservative point of view.
There is obviously a good deal to be said, from a conservative point of view, for the institution of private property....
As churches did more, conservatives pointed to this activity as evidence that they could do more.
Create media outlets to express the conservative voice, proclaim the conservative point of view.
Liberal intellectuals often seem to think that historical consciousness is by definition a conservative point of view, a negation of the present.
The trend over ten years is clearly worrying from a Conservative point of view.
This is the first serious account of inside the Coalition from a Lib Dem perspective and helps to complement accounts by Seldon and Snowden from the Conservative point of view.
The exception is Opinium for the Daily Express, which has the Conservatives a point or two above the consensus and Labour three points below the share recorded by all three other polls.
The Conservatives point out one in four offenders is currently released with only a warning or caution, while fewer than one in seven receives a prison sentence.
We will actually end up with a proper, fully - fledged bicameral system, which will ensure that Parliament can hold government more to account, in many ways ensure that we get better legislation, and possibly from a Conservative point of view desirable with less legislation.»
The Conservatives point to emails showing that the Department of Health under Labour tried to stop details emerging of a hospital scandal involving higher - than - normal death rates relating to relate to Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Conservatives pointed to a legal requirement in an earlier appropriations law that created public - school choice after schools failed to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) for two years.
«But the Wall Street Journal has a conservative point of view, and studies like [McIntyre's] are the type of stuff that attracts them.»
As news reports surfaced of Cambridge Analytica and the Donald Trump campaign, conservatives pointed to what seemed a double - standard.
He also writes on politics, from a conservative point of view; and on religion, from a traditional Roman Catholic perspective.
I think people that tell you have to have your financial situation together are giving good solid advice from a conservative point of view.

Phrases with «conservative point»

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