Sentences with phrase «conservative senator»

A conservative senator refers to a politician who holds traditional values and principles and leans towards maintaining established systems and practices. They tend to advocate for limited government intervention, economic policies that promote free markets, and often prioritize the preservation of traditional social and cultural norms. Full definition
The discriminatory bill C - 377 was one of those, blocked in the Senate with the help of Conservative Senators for whom this Harper move was a bridge too far.
In Canada, you can support Bill S - 238, put forward by Conservative senator Michael McDonald, which would ban the importation of shark fins.
As former Conservative Senator Hugh Segal said when the bill was first debated in the Upper Chamber in 2013, Bill C - 377 is «an expression of statutory contempt for the working men and women in our trade unions and for the trade unions themselves and their right under federal and provincial law to organize.»
Senate Republican leaders may rely on the deal - making former businessman to lean on conservative senators who are balking at the bill.
Outgoing Republican Senator Greg Ball, recently ranked as the most conservative senator by the New York State Conservative Party, endorses Maloney, having launched «Veterans for Maloney.»
The bill was seconded by BC Conservative Senator Richard Neufeld.
The socially conservative senator, who is reviled by many on the left, is today known for his hardline stances against homosexuality and abortion — positions his son has had to denounce, especially since publicly backing gay marriage in 2013.
You know your network is failing its viewers when it won't even offer an explanation that is so widely understood that even conservative senator Lisa Murkowski (R - AK) presented it in a May 2006 speech on climate change:
Conservative Senators Jerry Moran of Kansas and Mike Lee of Utah joined with already - declared holdouts Rand Paul of Kentucky and moderate GOP - er Susan Collins of Maine to state their opposition in separate statements Monday.
Both have been the objects of gay boycotts, Coors for its past support of antigay causes and Miller for parent company Philip Morris's political donations to conservative senator Jesse Helms.
According to an RCMP filing, Mr. Wright recalled telling four people that he would personally provide funds to Mr. Duffy: David van Hemmen (Mr. Wright's executive assistant), Benjamin Perrin (legal counsel to the Prime Minister at the time), Chris Woodcock (director of issues management in the PMO at the time, now chief of staff to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver) and Conservative Senator Irving Gerstein.
Current Conservative Senators Doug Black and Scott Tannas, elected in 2012, and Betty Unger, elected in 2004, were appointed to the Senate on the advice of former prime minister Stephen Harper.
I think Marchione will be the best conservative senator we've ever had.
But a confluence of factors have led to that relationship souring, including the election of new, more conservative senators and skepticism from liberals that Cuomo has not done enough to help the party take control of the chamber, the latter of which Nixon has repeatedly pointed to in the nascent days of the primary.
But the vast majority of her donations are to conservative senators like Mitch McConnell, John Thune and Ted Stevens, along with a few congressional candidates, and the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John McCain.
Nozzolio, 64, who is one of the most conservative senators according to the state Conservative Party's ratings, represents the 54th Senate District.
If this book is set far enough in the future that the US has a female President — and this installment does not indicate that she is the first female to hold that office — why are we still battling with ugly conservative Senators over important immigration reform?
After a blizzard shut down the nation's capital, skeptics of global warming used the frozen landscape to suggest that manmade climate change did not exist, with the family of conservative senator James Inhofe posing next to an igloo labeled «Al Gore's new home.»
Just this week we have seen one of the most conservative Senators in the Senate Lindsey Graham being heckled and accused of betraying the Party merely for being willing to think about climate change legislation.
Above all, Obama needed to be able to demonstrate to the Senate that he could deliver China in any global climate regulation framework, so conservative senators could not argue that US carbon cuts would further advantage Chinese industry.
Current thinking is that the rebelling Conservative senators will not block its passage a second time, and the bill will pass into law.
With the launch of Conservative Senator Nicole Eaton's inquiry into the «Involvement of Foreign Foundations in Canada's Domestic Affairs», increased scrutiny is being focused on the activities of Canada's charitable environmental groups.
In 2010, without any debate, Conservative senators called a snap vote on Bill C - 311, the Climate Change Accountability Act.
According to The Globe and Mail, it was «the first time that the unelected Conservative senators have used their near - majority to kill a bill passed by elected politicians.»
Conservative senator Lynn Beyak has published dozens of letters on her official Canadian Senate website, some of which are overtly racist to First Nations people and express white - supremacist sentiments.
Yet, partisans and even Conservative Senator Linda Frum adopted the abortion red herring.
A striking example is Conservative Senator Hugh Segal, who has spoken out forcefully and passionately against Bill C - 377, a discriminatory, anti-union piece of legislation that would swamp unions (but not corporations and other organizations) with paperwork, and violate the privacy of nearly everyone doing business with them.
But gay rights activists slammed Blake because they consider the socially conservative senator a bigot for opposing gay marriage.
Over the course of the day, Paul's filibuster became a hotspot for up - and - coming Republicans, with a parade of conservative Senators — including Ted Cruz (R - Texas), Mike Lee (R - Utah), Marco Rubio (R - Fla.)
The two conservative senators this week expressed deep concern that MacManus was too close to Clinton during her tenure, doesn't share Trump's «America First» agenda and other conservative foreign - policy goals, and, as one of Clinton's closest advisers, was deeply involved in the State Department's initial response to the Benghazi attack.
She is also no stranger to Ottawa or Parliament Hill: In 2008, Goodridge was an intern for Josee Verner, a Conservative Senator and the former Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.
ALBANY — New York Republicans on Tuesday said they started their 2018 campaign to defeat what they insist is a vulnerable Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo with a gaggle of potential past candidates, including a wealthy former financier and a conservative senator.
And changing the bill to satisfy those conservative senators who oppose the bill might push some more moderate Republicans into opposing it.
Old colleague Nell (Ann Dowd) brings young idealistic Ben (Anthony Mackie) up to the woods to coax Jane down to Bolivia, to manage the presidential campaign of a conservative senator whose prior stint as head of that country was pretty... authoritarian.
Also on hand is Diane Wiest and Gene Hackman doing a great comic turn as a conservative senator.
Who among us hasn't asked a parent to pretend to be straight while entertaining our future father - in - law who happens to be a conservative senator and co-founder of the Coalition for Moral Order?
«The figure of Jessica Helms,» the catalogue notes, «is a fictitious one, but her surname is the same as that of the conservative Senator, Jesse Helms.
However, in a surprising move, an amendment introduced by Conservative Senator Hugh Segal and passed by a majority of Senators, including 15 other Conservative senators, gutted the key substantive provisions of the bill.
Senator Carignan is a Conservative Senator and the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, so one should expect him to give the government a hard time during the discussion on January 31st.
No, the big white bear hasn't replaced our industrious beaver as the national animal, as one Conservative senator has suggested.
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