Sentences with phrase «conservative styling feels»

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As I'm getting older, I sometimes feel like I need to be more conservative and avoid certain styles as well.
If your natural style is more covered up, conservative, or classic, embrace that, but embrace it in a way that makes you feel fabulous and fun.
However, I always feel like one piece styles end up being too sporty and feeling like I'm on swim team again OR too conservative (why so much fabric??).
I have no real explanation for this — except that every time I wore one, I felt it looked too conservative for my personal taste and I couldn't quite get the styling right.
We chose the ST, but the conservative styling and comparatively premium feel of the German load - lugger will appeal to plenty of people who are cross-shopping the pair.
On the flipside, the design can feel too conservative, especially for those looking to make a style - statement.
The SE model has conservative looks, while R - Line versions are fitted with 20 - inch alloy wheels, body styling accessories and different seats for a sportier feel.
With a quick change of graphical elements such as fonts and style, the feel of a resume can change from traditional and conservative to creative and modern.
With a quick change of graphical elements such as fonts and style, the feel of a resume can change from traditional and conservative to creative and...
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