Sentences with phrase «consider alternative assessments»

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The group wrote in a recent assessment that the Coalition should «avoid, to the extent feasible, airstrikes as a primary tactic, and consider tactical alternatives — for example, properly trained SDF conducting more door - to - door clearing operations to minimize civilian harm.»
Alignment of government policy is particularly crucial, as inconsistency between government policies inhibits investment and raises the cost of capital.235 Once the overall strategic direction is set, a range of methods and instruments are available to mainstream climate at the project level.236 This needs to happen at the technical assessment stage, where technological and process options and alternatives are considered that will achieve the project aim; at the economic assessment stage, which involves measuring net impacts of the project on welfare; and at the financial assessment stage, where costs and revenues of the project are assessed.237
If not, this assessment may need to wait until the child is further along in treatment or consider alternative measures.
Consider how formative and embedded assessments can be used to monitor your students» progress and get a better sense of their preconceptions, misconceptions, and alternative ideas.
Consider offering alternative options that students can choose for the assessment, or as a follow - up for an unsatisfactory result.
As a first step, states could consider offering domain - specific assessments as an alternative to the current skills - dominant tests.
The article looks at alternatives to standardized tests as high school graduation requirements, profiling the East Side Community High School in New York City which has replaced standardized tests with a combination of projects and oral presentations which it considers more authentic as assessments.
The opt - out movement has started to push policymakers to roll back testing requirements and consider alternative, more holistic assessments of student achievement.
He said standardized test scores are not necessarily the major factors in making teacher evaluations and that alternative data is vital to consider as well, including local standardized exams, portfolio assessments and teacher evaluations.
For example, an administrator might notice that a new alternative assessment asks students to consider diverse opinions, but that the texts students encounter outside of that one assessment reflect a single point of view or perspective.
When I think of what I seek in a veterinarian, I envision a professional who examines animals meticulously while listening carefully to guardians» assessment of the creatures they know and love... who commands the latest technological and medical advances in the field... who is flexible and open minded enough to consider alternative avenues and to take a wait - and - see approach if needed to determine the best course of action... and who treats both animal and human with respect, compassion and dignity.
The department plans to conduct «an in - depth assessment of potential alternative routes,» while also considering «environmental concerns (including climate change), energy security, economic impacts, and foreign policy.»
We considered four alternative energetic projections, anchored by a concrete and recently published assessment of all types of primary energy [11].
Issue 4: Strategic environmental assessment is considered an effective method for considering the need for and alternatives to development, and cumulative environmental effects.
Therefore, any employer of night shift workers should immediately ensure that they are complying with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and the HSE Good Practice Guidelines by: (i) explaining and warning night shift workers of the potential risk; (ii) risk assessing and / or reviewing all risk assessments for shift workers; (iii) providing medical surveillance; (iv) considering possible alternatives for employees who have worked night shifts for a considerable period of time.
For example, best practices in environmental assessment means considering alternatives to the project, including the «no» alternative, with alternatives not necessarily limited to proposals within the jurisdiction of a particular regulator.
Generated more complex technical assessments, developed solution alternatives, evaluated options, and provided recommendations considering efficiency and cost.
There is however now a requirement for any parent applying for a child maintenance assessment to consider alternatives such as entering into a «family based arrangement» i.e. agreeing with the other parent how much maintenance should be paid.
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