Sentences with phrase «to consider divorce»

Many couples consider divorce mediation as the optimal way to end a marriage.
Here are three common questions and answers for divorcing couples considering divorce mediation.
Many people considering divorce say they wish they could have a crystal ball that would allow them to see into the future.
You got here for reasons, and they won't go away if you tell yourself you're a bad person for considering divorce.
When considering divorce matters dealing with the custody of children, courts apply the «in the child's best interest» standard.
I had never ever considered divorce as an option.
They're also more inclined to consider divorce in the face of marital problems.
If you are in high conflict or are seriously considering divorce, then private therapy may be more appropriate.
I would highly recommend this process for anyone considering a divorce.
I believe it should be required reading for any parent considering divorce because it highlights the monumental impact words have on a developing mind.
More sophisticated statistical analyses of responses to many of the questions in the survey confirmed that there are two distinct groups of spouses considering divorce.
She works with clients who are looking for advice and support to repair their unhappy marriages before considering divorce.
This is a book for any parent even considering a divorce, and for any professional who wants to truly help parents raise resilient children.
The people who considered divorce less frequently also had less severe marital problems such as abuse, addiction, and infidelity.
I'm thankful for that because I have gone through a divorce and do consider that divorce to be a sin.
If you are currently considering divorce or have been served with divorce papers, do not wait another moment to speak with our compassionate legal team.
While it may not seem appropriate to be considering divorce just as you are about to get married, it can help save a lot of headaches later.
Couples who are considering divorce often do well in counseling because the stakes of failing are high.
First, the problems and history that brought you, or your partner, to the point of considering divorce will be analyzed to see if they can be solved.
Even if you and your spouse agree that your marriage is over, the courts still consider your divorce contested if you don't also agree on how to end it.
Consider divorce by mediation and avoid the lengthy and costly litigation process!
She also conducts family law mediation training seminars for lawyers, judges, and mental health professionals, as well as seminars for individuals considering divorce.
In our experience, many couples counseling sessions start with one or both partners considering divorce.
The people who considered divorce less frequently also had less severe marital problems such as abuse, addiction, and infidelity.
No matter the circumstances or details, civilian or military, if you are considering divorcing someone who is not in your home country you should always discuss your options with an attorney.
Parties considering divorce are well served to consult with lawyers trained both in traditional litigation and collaborative divorce to make sure that all options are available to them.
However, it is important to consider the divorce mediator qualifications needed for your situation.
Again, not all couples considering divorce end up divorcing.
Or, it could make your husband start considering divorce himself.
It may be surprising to learn that less than 5 percent of couples who are considering divorce try marriage counseling first.
Two copies increases it again, to more than double the divorce risk for men with no copies and more than one - third considering divorce each year.
Because mental health professionals consider divorce one of life's most stressful events, dating a man who's in the midst of divorcing can be extremely challenging.
While probably not immediately top of mind for most women considering divorce, carefully considering all future insurance needs must be a part of the divorce process.
Australian law does not look at whose fault it is that the marriage broke down when considering a divorce application.
I would definitely recommend it to anybody considering divorce.
Research indicates a small percentage of couples considering divorce seek counseling, usually six years after problems have developed in the marriage.
Sometimes couples considering divorce minimize how much of an impact getting divorced would have on their children.
Most spouses who have recently considered divorce want to stay in — not leave — their marriage and fix their problems.
If you're even remotely considering divorce, this can be a strong reason to speak to a therapist.
It is important, however, to consider your divorce costs as an investment in your future because your divorce settlement will provide the financial foundation for the rest of your life.
Consider divorce mediation if you want to remain whole through the process of divorce.
You may even have considered divorce in the past.
The type of therapy needed for those who are seriously considering divorce is very different from your typical marital therapy.
This is not, by any means, an exhaustive list, nor is it a blanket requirement for anyone considering a divorce or separation.
What is in the child's best interest should always be a parent's top priority especially when considering divorce.
Understanding how survivor benefits and military pensions are divided up, and how custody of children is determined, is important for both spouses considering divorce.
With that being said, ideally people would seek counseling long before considering divorce.
The decision was not easy, she says, but the mother of two encourages other parents considering divorce to figure out a way to make a parenting plan work for their kids.
The reasons for considering divorce are respected, while the possibility of restoring the relationship to a healthy place is opened.
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