Sentences with phrase «consider it a false»

He considers it false to pretend that Christian premisses lead to the conclusion that there is a revolutionary tendency or force in the Christian message; he considers it equally false to say that obedience requires participation in revolution.
How does a person know what to believe and what to consider false?
And the great thing about religion, junior, is that those you consider «false prophets» in turn consider YOU false prophets.
But symbolic expressions referring to these events are not necessarily to be considered false.
Let me first consider a false ending to the story that makes their reconciliation seem simpler than it is.
Other than creation and the flood, are there other things you consider false, the resurrection for example?
For instance, consider this false belief task administered by Meins and Fernyhough (1999).
Also launched is, which is for his TV station OB TV, mentioning that any story about him on a different platform should be considered false and an attempt to seek his downfall, which he strongly believes will not work.
@blip I have a feeling that the 52 individuals referenced by your link don't think the argument is at all flawed, nor would they probably consider false imprisonment to be an insignificant issue.
«Considering the false attacks that Democrats have leveled against Republicans this election season, it's very hypocritical.»
That would mark not only the end of a 140 - year - old conundrum, but a personal turnaround for Woodin: 10 years ago, he was arguing that the continuum hypothesis should be considered false.
«Annoying» is how some owners described the alerts, either because they consider them false or unnecessary or just jarring.
I consider that false advertising.
If I don't see the DLC this week, this is considered false advertising.
I'm really going to ask if this situation would be considered false marketing and intentional misguidance of the consumer.
I've always struggled with these separations between craft and art, what I consider false distinctions.
The three students who were charged are considering a false arrest lawsuit because they repeatedly warned the police officers prior to their arrest that the hemp foods they were giving away are legal nutritious foods sold in natural foods stores throughout the U.S. and have nothing to do with marijuana.
For a start there should never be any significant natural source of CO2 gas discovered that has not been included in the models or the claims for it have to be considered false.
But the proposed changes call attention to the fact that you'll want to be careful when using these sites to be certain that the comments you and others make on your site do not contain information about you «the lawyer» or your «lawyer services» that could be considered false and / or misleading — even if that means deleting an overly flattering testimonial that could deceive potential clients.
Whether this constitutes a false ID document is not clear, except for example in the case of Virginia which was highlighted by a contributor below, since Virginia considers a false «facsimile» of the ID document to be a false ID document and therefore illegal.
«I wanted to show how a number of ideas that today we consider false actually changed the world (sometimes fot the better, sometimes for the worse) and how, in the best instances, false beliefs and discoveries totally without credibility could then lead to the discovery of something true (or at least someting we consider true today).
Because this is not necessarily considered false or misleading information there is no violation of regulation, even if consumers are confused or misled in their purchasing choices.
The Court held that the jury was entitled to consider the false accusations of sexual harassment, which may have impacted his ability to find new employment.
For example, Travel Guard does not consider false labor, occasional spotting, physician - prescribed rest during the period of pregnancy, morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum, or preeclampsia as complications.
If only one or two of those detect the file as malware, we consider it a false positive.
This is very confusing to the consumer and could be considered false advertising.
4) By Hiding or excluding negative comments, this could be considered FALSE and MISLEADING advertising by Provincial Legislators and you could become subject to penalty.

Not exact matches

Consider two days in January 2013 when a series of damning — but false — tweets sent two stocks plunging.
Only that appears to be false: 67 % of workers said they consider it important to develop skills to work with intelligent machines in the next three to five years.
The new title may also be a ploy to keep Wintour at Condé, as there have been rumors recently that the magazine world's most famous woman was being considered by the Obama administration for an ambassador position (even though this later turned out to be false).
There are way too many people out there that have their own beliefs, but consider all other belief systems as false.
It's a false, wicked, depraved version of masculinity that considers the objectification of women as mere «locker room talk» and «boys will be boys.»
Other equally legitimate and relevant world religions consider yours to be false.
Considering that it took the Church about 300 years, long after they had made up their minds about theology, to start picking scripture to match that doctrine, and that the oldest known copt of the bible has over 27,000 «corrections» written all over it, how can you be sure that the New Testament isn't full of false doctrine to begin with?
Instead of creating a false god in your mind to mock, perhaps you would do yourself a favor to spend your mental energy considering the type of outside and eternal power that is required to create anything, why that power would create anything, why that power would give its created beings a will and ability to ponder existence, how that power would communicate with its creations, and how anything less than that power could co-exist with it in eternity.
Do you consider marriages that aren't blessed by a representative of your religion to be false?
@Theo Do you consider marriages that aren't blessed by a representative of your religion to be false?
Often we can come to the positive truth by considering and rejecting inadequate or false ideas, and perhaps nowhere is this so useful as in the subject we have under consideration.
That is a false dichotomy — there are far more than two possible answers to consider.
This is actually quite a relief, because when we sit back and honestly consider what false teaching is, we realize that every single person is a false teacher to some degree or another.
I've always been concerned about people who throw the False Teacher around at others while never considering it may apply to them sometimes as well.
Example: somebody posted that raising kids to believe in religion should be considered a crime because it gives them false hope.
If it can't be proven, then it is considered to be false.
Tracing the roots of this false reality principle to the Hebrew Bible itself, Roszak, among others, considered the heart of the ecological crisis to be the biblical injunction to conquer and subdue the earth and have dominion over it.
Its amazing how these things are considered «crazy false things»
We must consider how many texts involve a vision which is primarily a false prophecy in which the false prophet argues that his vision proves he is right.
Is such a superior - degree - of - divinity Christology not one of the false interpretations previously considered in Christian history and rejected?
I've always been fascinated by the fact that religious people consider their religion or god to be the one true god and all others false just because they were born in a certain location in the world where their religion just happens to be dominant.
One pastor, whom I considered as a friend, who also had a lot of influence in the Charismatic Movement there began to warn everyone about me, by name and said I WAS a false teacher and a false prophet!
Without considering the many thousands of other gods that have been ruled false throughout the ages, the reasons why these gods were determined to be merely human inventions, and applying those criteria to their own deity Christians aren't fairly judging God's existence, are they?
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