Sentences with phrase «consider kicking the habit»

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We considered posting something light and healthy to kick off the new year with good eating habits.
But if you really want to kick sugar for good, consider these to be «transitional» snacks that will help you eventually kick the habit forever.
«For this reason, when your child is six months old, you should begin to consider helping him kick the habit
For example, if you smoke mainly when out at a bar, consider avoiding going out for a drink, at least until your habit is well and truly kicked.
So if you drink a lot of fruit juices, or just can't kick the soft drink habit, at least consider protecting your teeth by adding some casein protein to your diet.
Once you have kicked the caffeine habit you might want to consider moving on to kicking the sugar addiction.
We don't often consider the impact that smoking can have on our pets, but understanding the serious implications the habit can have on furry family members can serve as an extra push to kick the habit.
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