Sentences with phrase «consider talking with»

You could even consider talking with your boss about your need for new challenges.
If you can't seem to improve the communication in your relationship, consider talking with a relationship counsellor.
Before you attend a mediation, consider talking with your attorney about all of the options, and even developing a list of your parenting goals so that you have a reference point throughout the process.
Lastly, if your Anxious Attachment Style is chronically harming a good relationship, consider talking with a therapist knowledgeable about Attachment Styles.
If you're not ready to do this with your partner, consider talking with a professional or a friend or with your journal.
If your child snores all the time, even when she's well, consider talking with your child's GP.
If you decide to pursue adoption while in infertility treatment, seriously consider talking with a therapist who specializes in infertility to make sure you are really ready to whole heartedly parent an adopted child.
Consider talking with a trusted insurance professional to introduce you to companies that will give you the most favorable rates.
Also, consider talking with a knowledgeable term life insurance expert, so you're well informed and can make the best choice for you and your loved ones.
Also consider talking with a traffic ticket attorney or your court before deciding.
Consider talking with a local independent agent in the Trusted Choice network who can help to assess your individual needs and risks.
Consider talking with an agent about New Jersey umbrella insurance, which can provide an extra layer of financial protection above and beyond the liability coverage in your other policies.
People who have suffered burns on the job should consider talking with a job injury attorney about their case early in the workers» compensation process to make sure that they understand their legal rights and are being treated fairly by their employer or its insurance company.
You should seek medical attention and consider talking with an experienced South Carolina personal injury lawyer.
Because this can be a delicate matter (especially when family and friends are involved), consider talking with a bankruptcy lawyer about which chapter may best address your financial needs and how to deal with cosigners:
However, if you think that your injury or illness was another party's fault, you should consider talking with a lawyer who can advise you about your rights and options.
If you have grooming questions or your dog's coat seems to mat frequently, consider talking with a professional groomer.
You may also consider talking with friends and family members in your area to assign designated caregivers.
If you need debt help, consider talking with a financial advisor or consumer credit counseling service.
Consider talking with local news outlets or bloggers in your niche.
I may also consider talking with one of the local tool truck guys, maybe they can do a consignment thing..
Consider talking with other teens and parents involved, and possibly your child's school, based on what you've learned, but keep your child informed and involved.
Consider talking with colleagues who also teach your students.
Consider talking with your partner about what's going on.
If you have irregular or heavy periods that disrupt your lifestyle, consider talking with a gynecologist before worrying about your thyroid.
As much as most snoring aids do not need a prescription, you could consider talking with your doctor to hear which aids he / she recommends.
If you answered yes to most of these questions and you feel stuck on important issues (marriage, children, where to live), consider talking with a therapist.
If you don't know anyone, consider talking with doulas in your area.
If your child seems to have an unusually high amount of anxiety about the upcoming test, consider talking with the school counselor for suggestions.
Consider talking with your other kids about the care your teen will need in adulthood, and whether they want to be involved in that care.
So if you choose to breastfeed, consider talking with a lactation consultant, who can show you basic positions to help you nurse your babies either two at a time or singly.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is reportedly not planning to retire from football as he considers talks with two big clubs for next season.
The former National Publicity Secretary of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) said the SDP would consider talks with other parties in order to put up a good fight against his former party and the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) next year.
FYI: I've considered talking with my doc about it but really only want to go that route as a last resort because I'd rather treat this as naturally as I possibly can, never mind the fact that its already embarrassing to talk about.
If you've ever considered talking with a top real estate professional in Long Beach, I'd like to meet with you.

Not exact matches

This whole premise does have an air of genius about it, considering that when you take on the perspective of those you are talking with, it engages people on the spot.
«With all that knowledge, what's hard to imagine is one thing: The FDA doesn't consider aging as something that can be prevented,» Barzilai said in a 2014 TED talk.
In relationships with influencers, consider how to be useful to them: What are you proposing beyond requesting that they talk about your company?
«I talk with them in a girly fashion and find out what wedding dress they're dreaming about or ask them to send me photos of the ring they're considering,» she says.
Asked about the worst career advice she ever received, Ahrendts tells of the time she was working at a big corporation and a human resources manager told her that she needed to make changes — like not talking so emotionally with her hands — if she wanted to be considered «CEO material.»
We're talking about words like — well, like, «talking» — along with «working,» «planning,» «considering» and the like.
The process of talking through the topic with someone else adds depth and often uncovers areas I hadn't considered on my own.
A few of the arguments, like how the long lineups provide fans an opportunity to talk movies with their fellow attendees, made sense even though I wouldn't consider them a worthy tradeoff for all the other issues.
Amazon cloud execs can sometimes seem a tad sanctimonious when they talk about how their business goals completely align with the greater customer good, but one thing that Andy Jassy said Wednesday resonates, especially in light of reports later that day that Dell is considering a purchase of EMC in what would be a massive $ 50 billion deal.
Aaron Rodgers, considered by many to be the best quarterback in the NFL, talked about the power of visualization in an interview with USA Today:
The venue was an apt location considering the Facebook team was talking about taking the history of user visits, the history of how brands have interacted with Facebook users, and applying what they've learned toward future improvements in marketing.
Though it may be a bit early in the article to hit you with this one, I want to start off by talking about it first because it is the one I consider particularly important.
As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau begins a visit to China for talks with government and business leaders, he may want to consider the opinions of young Canadians who will play such an integral part in Canada's future, and its pivot to Asia.
You may remember that Sprint and T - Mobile considered a deal back in 2014 that would have resulted in Sprint buying out T - Mobile, but those talks ended when the prospect of a merger met with strong resistance from regulators.
After a series of phone conversations with company officials that began in August 2015, Flaxman came to Starbucks headquarters in December to talk with chairman and ceo Howard Schultz and other leaders about what he and his team considered a wildly ambitious goal: TurboVote would help lift voter participation to 75 percent, at a date to be determined.
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