Sentences with phrase «consider whether»

«We will also consider whether other Church disciplinary action should be taken.»
It's a little crass, but when I consider whether or not I should read a book, I often think of Elaine from Seinfeld wondering if a boyfriend was sponge worthy.
Interestingly, an economic study of the slave trade there would consider whether the effort by some Christians to buy slaves in order to set them free has had the effect of increasing the market price for slaves.)
As more states consider whether or not to legalize gay marriage, church leaders have been forced to examine their theological position on homosexuality.
It might equally wish to consider whether the global communications system, available on a non-discriminatory basis to all nations of the world, as envisaged by Assembly resolution 1721 (XVI), part D, should not be placed under the auspices of the United Nations.»
In the next chapter we will consider whether Barth has succeeded in maintaining the radical Christocentricity of theology on the one hand while avoiding its restriction to anthropology on the other.
My suspicion is that the goal of Nordhaus and Tobin in carrying out this study was not really open - mindedly to consider whether economic activity should be directed in different directions, but rather to reassure themselves and other economists that no change is needed.
Such arguments could help worship leaders to consider whether the language of worship is adequately grounded in the revelation of God as Holy One, Christ, and Spirit.
To say that Christians should allow the biblical world to absorb their own world, Placher explains, is to affirm that Christians should resist viewpoints and ideologies that are incompatible with the central claims of scriptural teaching and that Christians should consider whether scriptural narrative «might be unexpectedly helpful» in understanding their own lives.
Now I had to consider whether it was appropriate to aim even at playing my «best,» to consider whether in fact this goal was so extreme as to tempt me to play beyond my physical limits and so risk injury, or to play beyond my spiritual limits and so jeopardize my appreciation of the pleasure, camaraderie and exercise that sport provides.
All this while writing under his own name in a national newspaper inviting readers to consider whether incest might be morally acceptable.
Occasionally, however, I recall uneasily a colleague's suggestion at a faculty meeting a couple of years ago: «I would like us to consider whether we should continue to designate students» degrees as cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.
His story, and that of other Chinese Indonesian Christians, has much to teach us as we consider whether or not to embrace Rod Dreher's Benedict Option (retreat in order to rebuild), or instead seek positive solutions to social problems in an America that judges us on the wrong side of history.
Second, they should encourage married persons to analyze their own marriages and consider whether they are governed either by traditionalism or by some form of individualism.
I invite you to consider whether or not a Jewish person would think that Yahweh could have a son.
Thus, in formulating religious doctrines we must always consider whether that community's witness is being continued.
The Church of England's General Synod is to consider whether to introduce a way to allow transgender Christians affirm their new identity in a church setting.
Please discuss some passages from the bible that contradict his arguments, and then I can consider whether your interpretation does.
But in a pluralist society of general education and at a time when the community Church of faith is bound to come, we should surely consider whether the spiritual tactics of the people's Church are still viable, and if the «shortage of priests» does not partly stem from this.
Those who are dissenting Protestants — and more people than we know are influenced by this tradition — should consider whether their aversion to government and their tendency to moralistic splitting are an adequate basis for imperial responsibility.
You asked me to really consider whether the Holocaust was objectively evil.
Readers will have to consider whether this small sample is truly representative.
We have written before in Faith of a «time for reassessment», a time to consider whether we should continue to fight for the integrity of state - aided Catholic education.
We can then consider whether the implications that a Thomist like Mascall draws from these data actually follow with the necessity that he claims.
They might be wise to consider whether they need to supply better resources to their own institutions, and in particular whether they can nurture a new generation of theologians to lead them.
In view of the negative findings we have been presenting, we must now consider whether preaching is obsolescent, a charge made by some critics.
Let us just consider whether we might not be able to escape from the anxiety into which the dangerous power of thought is now plunging us — simply by improving our thinking still more.
It might be well to consider whether this lack of positiveness does not perhaps explain the narrowness of his principles, which were doubtless rooted in a zeal for what is universally human, and in a discipline of self marked by the same divine jealousy as his discipline of others, a zeal and discipline through which he loved the divine.
In Chapter VI, we will consider whether his philosophic doctrine can illumine aspects of religious experience in relation to which he did not himself test it.
Naturally, theologians like Shaull do not consider whether what they call the «humanizing» work of God is the same thing as what revolutions aim at.
If today's «innocent human life» is tomorrow's «welfare queen,» you might want to consider whether your convictions are truly pro-life or simply pro-birth.
Pope Francis has said it's time for the Catholic Church to consider whether it's possible to ordain married... More
Thus, when we consider whether or not human beings are naturally religious, we need to reject the empiricist notion that we can read human nature off the surface of human behavior.
Stark invites the reader to «consider whether you believe any of the following statements...» (p. 4) which include: claims of anti-semitism; the Church's suppression of «new Christian Gospels» and of scientists; persecution of pagans; the «blood bath» of the Spanish Inquisition; and the Church's support of slavery.
Those of us who have left Babylon should be thankful, but we should also consider whether we want to stand idly by enjoying our freedom while she gets drunk on the blood of the saints.
I suggest you read Frank Viola's and Adrian Warnock's responses to MacArthur, and consider whether their criticisms of his attitude might apply to you too.
I do hope that we all can take a few moments privately to consider whether and what we believe in an honest way.
When, as ample evidence demonstrates, «most of our high - school and college students... consistently score poorly in virtually every measure of civic knowledge,» this can not occur — our citizens have to know what the truths are before they can consider whether they should hold to them.
It's probably important to consider whether we are talking about actions or alleged laws that exist or not and in either case, is it related to the divine outside of us or are we talking about our own actions as related to alleged external divine laws.
It is to consider whether the action is life affirming for all living beings.
We too need to consider whether we have arrived at our opinions by embracing certain information while ignoring others.
He should consider whether, contrary to his own political experience, some people in political life say things not out of a desire for applause lines or even approval, but out of conviction.
Owen ultimately wants us to consider whether we can be «simultaneously democratic and religious?»
Companies should consider whether there is significant offline interest in their raise, consider how much they should realistically target for their raise, and whether their business would resonate with the general public.
It is also important to keep a close eye on price - earnings multiples more broadly across the market, and consider whether a jump in P - E multiples might be a signal that a stock might be about to go into reverse.
Consider your goals as you zero in on a type of card, and consider whether one of these five Visa ® cards could be a good fit.
When you consider whether a private lender is right for you, remember that private student loans for college don't come with the same protections as federal loans.
Before you put the carriage out in front of the horse, you should take the time to consider whether any given home business opportunity is right for you.
You should read the disclosure document carefully before investing and consider whether your, or the beneficiary's, home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in its qualified tuition program.
For example, an issuer contemplating a private placement in close proximity to a public offering should consider whether the public offering may have been a «general solicitation» that renders the private placement exemption unavailable for the new financing.
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