Sentences with phrase «considerable flexibility»

This non systematic approach offers considerable flexibility for traders willing to take the time to learn its details and practice its application.
The small class size allows considerable flexibility in the design of each student's instruction program.
This type of resume offers considerable flexibility and scope to present yourself well.
These provide considerable flexibility in terms of previous career background and aspirations to cater for as many people as possible.
However, the curriculum has considerable flexibility so that it can also be integrated with an individual teacher's style.
Serious buyers can expect considerable flexibility, thanks to rebates and a pinch of good old - fashioned bargaining.
Each loan is highly flexible and specific to individual cases, so borrowers have considerable flexibility when choosing the terms and conditions to their student loan.
Obviously we should tolerate considerable flexibility in the global carbon price, especially at the beginning.
Once sufficient cash value has accumulated, the policyholder will be in possession of considerable flexibility for future premium payments.
The report card engine allows considerable flexibility to reduce the standards displayed.
More generally, in PowerPoint there is considerable flexibility as to the selection of the content and how it will be adapted in each slide.
While the district has insisted that all teachers and schools adopt the «balanced» approach to reading, schools are given considerable flexibility in matters of instructionâ $» as long as they put instruction in phonics front and center.
Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are granted considerable flexibility in how they operate.
Unlike previous reauthorizations of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ESSA allows states considerable flexibility in how they design their plans.
In both cases the proprietary estoppel was established and the courts were left with considerable flexibility in deciding upon the appropriate remedy.
The Canadian Dollar strengthened though as some traders thought that the removal of the line, «retains considerable flexibility,» meant that the BOC would be quicker than the FED to raise rates.
Discover personal loans have considerable flexibility which makes them more convenient than other competitors.
A broad range of scenarios for power generation are considered, from which it can be seen that considerable flexibility exists for individual countries to chose which precise mix of CCS, renewables and nuclear technology they will use to decarbonise the power sector.
The consistent theme throughout these practices though is experience — firms are largely looking for at least 2 — 3 years» experience from associates before considering them for these practices, but at that level, there is then considerable flexibility to attract the top talent.
SCA 2007 affords considerable flexibility about the terms of an order.
They are typically used to working on a contract basis — commanding high rates (up to as much as # 1,000 a day for the most senior project managers) and enjoying considerable flexibility.
The bigger players, the large oil and gas companies that have considerable flexibility as to where they invest, some of them have already announced that they are taking their money elsewhere.»
And whatever the shortcomings of our foreign - takeover review process, its vagueness grants considerable flexibility.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced No Child Left Behind, gives states considerable flexibility to craft their own accountability systems — in the process asking states to make crucial decisions about what it means to be a successful school, what rate of academic progress is acceptable, and...
There are a large number of premium payment configurations that provide considerable flexibility for policyowners.
I'm 59 and in excellent health with considerable flexibility, and would like to challenge myself, but would like to get your take on these two advanced asanas.
Health insurance offers considerable flexibility in terms of disease / ailment coverage.
The new process allows considerable flexibility in fabrication, opening the possibility of depositing more than one material simultaneously.
MIECHV offers states considerable flexibility in the design and focus of their home visiting initiatives, while applying accountability requirements that ensure federal funding is used only for supports that work.
«If we're going to achieve that, we would clearly require some considerable flexibility in the U.S. positions.»
But if the currency continues to surge, Mr. Carney stressed that he retains «considerable flexibility» to stoke the demand required to get inflation back to the 2 - per - cent target.
The administration has insisted that the mandatory inclusionary zoning would grant considerable flexibility, allowing the local council member to decide whether to reserve either 25 percent of a given project's housing for residents making an average of $ 36,000 - $ 46,000 annually or 30 percent to those making an average of $ 48,000 - $ 62,000.
The current collection of statutes and regulations that provide the basis for agencies» oversight, known as the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology, appears to have considerable flexibility to cover a wide range of biotechnology products, but in some cases the agencies» jurisdiction has been defined in ways that could leave gaps or overlaps in regulatory oversight.
This indicates that there is considerable flexibility in the timing and extent of protein responses that still result in successful learning.»
Many schools that reach NCLB's restructuring phase, rather than implementing one of the law's stated interventions (close and reopen as a charter school, replace staff, turn the school over to the state, or contract with an outside entity), choose the «other» option, under which they have considerable flexibility to design an improvement strategy of their own (see «Easy Way Out,» forum, Winter 2007).
The statute requires that the additional time be used for literacy, and the schools and districts have considerable flexibility in how they implement the policy, including the timing, approach, and professional development of staff.
I think it is fantastic that ESSA provided considerable flexibility to include relative measures of performance, such as growth.
In a balloon loan the borrower has the considerable flexibility to utilize the available capital during the life of the loan, as most of the repayment is deferred until the end of the payment period.
Universal Life (also known as Flexible Premium / Adjustable Life) The biggest difference between Universal Life (UL) and whole life is that UL gives you considerable flexibility as to the amount and timing of premium payments.
ShareOwner's commission structure isn't a great bargain at a time when investors can trade for as little as $ 1 to $ 5 per online to buy or sell, but it makes up for that with considerable flexibility.
Commercials advertising the wonders of business credit cards often showcase scrappy and loveable business owners who tout their card's generous credit limits, cutting - edge budgeting tools and considerable flexibility.
There is, therefore, considerable flexibility in the speed at which it can operate and unless KE and PE become unbalanced throughout the entire vertical column then no energy can be transferred between the AAL and the SDL.
Universal Life (also known as Flexible Premium / Adjustable Life) The biggest difference between Universal Life (UL) and whole life is that UL gives you considerable flexibility as to the amount and timing of premium payments.
Policyowners have considerable flexibility in choosing how to use dividends paid on par policies.
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