Sentences with phrase «considered archaic»

Some of my best dinner parties involved something that is now considered archaic: the fondue pot!
The government therefore considered its archaic language to have contributed to uncertainty in compensation entitlement.
Iceland's commercial whaling policy is considered archaic and cruel by the rest of the world and we ask the U.S. to impose trade sanctions against it.»
This is just one example of the rapid pace of technological advances in the field of VR, in which a work from 2015 could soon be considered archaic.
This is not a practice of «bad» agents — it was pioneered by William Morris and many top agents use it — but it is increasingly being considered archaic and unfair.
Rigid ritualistic systems are considered archaic to an indigo child.
«I believe that in about five to seven years (maybe less) the word «office» will be considered archaic and offices will be referred to as coworking.»

Not exact matches

Even after a decade of intentional media onslaught, almost half the population still considers it as such.You should recognize the fact that depicting my view as archaic and hate filled is both inaccurate and misguided on your part.
And yeah, apparently a lot of the «colonization» was derived from «superiority complex», such as calling something «backward and archaic system» and that without even talking about why it was / is considered such and without talking about what is supposedly better in the supposedly superior system, apparently in which education (respectivly mish - mash thereof) is a lot only applied when it serves some lower motive / s.
It will be a great step forward for mankind, and the planet, the day it is considered insane to believe in these archaic mind control methods.
It is high time that people of all faiths should come clean and explicitly support peaceful co-existence with people of different faiths and get away from archaic, tunnel - visioned view that people of different religious orientation than theirs are to be considered their «enemies».
There is a reason that the plant foods with all these things you're referring to, are in fact, considered the healthiest foods on the planet and the most recommended by doctors... even the still archaic ones.
By the late thirties, they were considered increasingly archaic and they fell out of favor just before World War II.
Considering that the HSV features an archaic pushrod valvetrain, with 16 - valves, compared to the Lexus» quad - cam, 32 - valve setup, the low - tech Aussie battler puts up a gutsy fight.
If there was Sheikah running around in BOTW they would probably consider the motorbike archaic.
Chubarov considered himself a heir of the Russian «archaic» culture, drawing a parallel between his technique and the ideas of Malevich's «Black Square»: «In my plastic I am intuitively looking for proportions of relationship between black and white inherent to «Black Square», ratios of curvature of the surfaces and the absolute white, hanging of the structures, occlusions and sudden breakthroughs of white through the thrill of white and black matter.»
(Indeed, Andrew Marr briefly discusses the fact on a recent program about contemporary politics, and Brian Waldon «considers the political muddle create by archaic terms such as left wing and right wing» on the BBC website.)
This exemption respected the applicant's dignity by considering their ability to afford the fees, rather than proceeding from an «archaic» focus on their social status as «impoverished» or «indigent».
Long gone are the days when you had to get up out of the chair to manually change the volume or the television channel, and if Comcast has its way, we'll one day consider having to manually press buttons on the television remote as equally archaic.
Since when was pc archetecture «archaic», considering that even Ninty themselves went out of their way to get some support from Epic's UE4, an engine primarily designed to run in a windows environment with a devkit made explicitly for windows?
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