Sentences with phrase «considered as a colony»

l) The main subdivisions of the class «societies of occasions» consist of the linear or «personally ordered» societies, the familiar example being a stream of consciousness» of a single person, and nonlinear societies, such as a tree considered as a colony of cells.

Not exact matches

I have every respect to those angels and consider bringing such subject up as disrespect for what those do to our world with their kindness... Those nuns and popes were once my teachers in the kindergarden in Aden Colony of Southern Arabia although I was considered as Muslim from Muslim parents... so you can say I hold for them great respect although we are from different religions beliefs...!
During the years of colonialism the peoples of the colonies in Asia, Africa and the Americas were not considered as subjects with fundamental rights to be respected by the European colonizers.
Polygyne queens, in contrast, aren't considered as robust, fat, and «queenly» as monogynes, and they need worker aid to set up new colonies.
As previous population estimates did not take account of 16 of the 46 colonies (see Figure 3), and many previous counts were of poor quality and widely separated in time [11], [12], [23] these historical estimates can not be considered representative of the total breeding population of emperor penguins (previous counts are given for comparison in Table 1).
Considered by many to be High Noon in outer space, Outland stars Sean Connery as a 21st - century peacekeeper on the Jupiterian moon Io, a futuristic mining colony plagued by a narcotics ring.
Consider size for transport in your vehicle to and from the colony site as well.
Looking for advice and assistance on changing the «cats running at large» ordinances in Bloomington and Normal, IL, to recognize managed free - roaming cat colonies and their caretakers as separate sitations; to not consider these caretakers, or colony managers, as «owners» thus exempting them from the usual fines.
Drawing parallels between Tomie — a Japanese horror manga with an infinitely regenerative femme fatale as its protagonist — and Pando — a prodigious and clonal forest colony in Utah that revitalizes itself in the wake of wildfires — Spence considers the potential for destructive acts to give rise to additive, creative, and infinite forms.
The essays place Manolis» Key West paintings in perspective, portraying the island, the southernmost point of the United States, as a storied artists» colony and a centuries old source of inspiration for such legendary figures as John James Audubon, who depicted the abundant tropical wildlife, and Winslow Homer, whose mesmerizing harbor scenes are considered some of the greatest watercolors ever painted.
With my experience in the industry and after performing my Colony Driving School review, I can confidently say this is a high quality driver training facility and I would consider Colony Driving School to be above average as compared to other driving schools in the area.
That might seem odd, considering Barrack's position as chairman and CEO of Colony Capital LLC, a Los Angeles - based real estate opportunity fund...
When large investors such as Blackstone and Colony American Homes began buying up single - family homes in 2011, most observers considered the acquisition a short - term play.
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