Sentences with phrase «considered as the organ»

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As far as magic — I think many things we experience today would have been considered magic by those of the past — flying through the air in an airplane, transplanting organs from dying patients to living ones, sending pictures through the air, even just being able to capture and use electircity, etc., etcAs far as magic — I think many things we experience today would have been considered magic by those of the past — flying through the air in an airplane, transplanting organs from dying patients to living ones, sending pictures through the air, even just being able to capture and use electircity, etc., etcas magic — I think many things we experience today would have been considered magic by those of the past — flying through the air in an airplane, transplanting organs from dying patients to living ones, sending pictures through the air, even just being able to capture and use electircity, etc., etc..
Whitehead considers God as the organ of novelty.
«To acquire a just idea of the operations from which thought results, we must consider the brain as a particular organ specially destined to produce it; just as the stomach and intestines are destined to operate digestion, the liver to filter bile, the parotid and maxillary glands to prepare the salivary juices.
All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class.
Because the practice of transfusion and of organ transplantation are heavily regulated by medicine (and for good reason), a culture that considers human milk to be another regulated bodily substance can only conceive of milk sharing as an activity that occurs rarely and under medical supervision.
Thomas Willis, a 17th - century British physician whom Zimmer casts as the Galileo of modern anatomy, showed that the brain, then considered a marginal organ, was the seat of consciousness.
In plants where multiple seeds are made from a single pistil (female reproductive organ = mother), all the seeds in the pistil are considered as children of the mother.
Human intestinal flora, known as microbiota, can be considered as an additional organ in the body.
This is particularly useful when you consider organs such as the brain which can't be sampled from a patient.
These syndromes include conditions in which autoimmunity is clearly implicated as causal, in light of identification of autoantibodies to relevant autoantigens; diseases suspected to be autoimmune because of the presence of autoantibodies, although the autoreactive response has not been proven to be pathogenic and could be a consequence or marker of tissue damage; and other diseases often considered to be «autoimmune,» such as psoriasis or inflammatory bowel disease, characterized by organ - targeted inflammation but without evidence of a stimulating autoantigen.
If you do make the jump to organic, consider consuming organ meats as well.
Once considered an inert storage depot for excess energy, adipose tissue has been clearly identified as playing an influential role in cardiometabolic health.3 Adipose tissue functions not only as an important buffer for fatty acids90 but also as a highly active secretory organ, capable of influencing whole - body physiology through the production of an array of bioactive adipokines.
Only recently have scientists begun considering how your microbiome impacts health and illness, describing it as a «newly discovered organ
As with anything worth doing, it takes time, but considering that the skin is the largest organ of the body, and it absorbs things, it's well worth taking time!
Paścimatānāsana is considered an extremely important and beneficial āsana that increases the digestive fire and strengthens the digestive organs as well as causes the vital energy to move upward through the spine.
Red bone marrow and the thymus gland are considered the primary lymphoid organs and act as incubators for maturation of lymphocytes — a type of white blood cell.
Consider this - or rather, remember this - the skin, otherwise known as the epidermis, is considered the largest organ in the human body.
«Natural flavor» can be something as basic as a meat or organ broth but it can also include flavor made from anything that the FDA considers «natural» — and that's a lot of things that you and I probably wouldn't think of as natural.
If your mature or older dog is vomiting and you have eliminated dietary indiscretion as a cause, you should consider metabolic diseases like those affecting the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs.
5 - 10 % organ meat (liver, kidney, lungs, pancreas, gizzards, heart) Some consider heart a muscle meat other consider it as one of the top organ meats to serve.Kidney has the most packed nutrition)
I have to roll my eyes at the thought that «any reasonable person» would consider the surgical removal of reproductive organs as the sole option for preventing unwanted litters.
Veterinarians tend to study each of your pet's organ systems through a group of tests or parameters that they consider as a group to determine where in the dog or cat's body the problem is likely to be located, how serious the problem might be and what might be the underlying cause.
Some types of injuries that are considered to be catastrophic include such devastating injuries as brain damage, serious spinal injuries resulting in paralysis, disfiguring injuries, serious burn injuries and loss of limb or severe organ damage.
Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.
The heart is often considered as one of the most vital organs of the human body.
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