Sentences with phrase «considered essential nutrients»

Nutrients that must be consumed in the diet because the animal can not produce them or can not produce them in sufficient quantities are considered essential nutrients.
B vitamins are considered essential nutrients meaning they can only be obtained through diet and can't be made by your body in adequate amounts.
MCFA are considered essential nutrients for infants as well as for people with serious digestive problems like cystic fibrosis.
Along with calcium, manganese is considered an essential nutrient for the development of healthy bones.
No RDI has been set for betaine, which, since it is a metabolite of choline, is not considered an essential nutrient.
Thus, fluoride can not be considered an essential nutrient as some dentists claim.6
Although this antioxidant is not considered an essential nutrient by dog food companies (which means that many kibble brands are sadly lacking), it has been linked to improved health.

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1,830 products reformulated to consider nutrition or consumer preference, including reduced sodium, sugar, trans fat, artificial colors and flavors, and increased essential nutrients.
Some consider kale to be a «superfood» because it is high in essential nutrients, fiber and protein but low in calories and fat.
In fact, whey protein is considered to be one of the top dietary sources of high quality protein available because it contains all nine essential amino acids — the most crucial nutrients for attaining your optimal level of fitness.
From the beginning, scientists were concerned that recommendations warning people to limit their intake of foods that were traditionally considered to be highly nutritious would adversely affect intake of essential nutrients.
Basil is considered one of the healthiest herbs and is high in many nutrients, including vitamin K, a vitamin essential to blood clotting.
It's not only because of nutrients like folate and K1, but likely many others, especially perhaps chlorophyll — I think chlorophyll, also related to the detox process, can be considered kind of a semi essential nutrient, that will greatly assist when other processes fails.
Spinach is today considered a superfood, meaning that it is packed with vitamins and nutrients essential for one's health, so it enjoys a position of economic importance.
The avocado is considered a «complete» food whereby it provides in excess of 25 essential nutrients, including: vitamins A, B, C, E and K, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.
Dandelions are considered a powerhouse food full of nutrients that are essential for anyone regularly eating processed foods.
One study has considered whether caffeine might affect bone mineral density and suggested that it might hinder the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health.
Considered by some to be one of nature's «perfect foods,» hemp seeds are abundant in essential nutrients.
Therefore, L - carnitine is considered a conditionally essential nutrient.
Four minerals: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, are essential for life but are so ubiquitous in food and drink that these are not considered nutrients and there are no recommended intakes for these as minerals.
Most junk foods contain too much saturated fat, sodium or sugar to be considered healthy, but replacing them with fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains will supply essential nutrients such as fiber, protein, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin A. Getting sufficient amounts of key nutrients supports a healthy skeleton, heart, brain and digestive system.
Consider vitamin E. It's one of the 32 essential nutrients in the human body and is necessary for heart and brain health.
It's no surprise there, considering the modern American diet tends to overfeed but undernourish, leaving us particularly deficient of essential nutrients like vitamin D and calcium.
Although AFFCO does not consider them to be «essential nutrients,» it's hard to find a premium or ultra premium brand that does not contain some level of these two amino acids.
Fiber is not considered to be an essential nutrient for dogs; however, due to the ingredients of dog kibble, it is always present in dog foods.
«Considering the fact that the most abundant fatty acid in the brain is DHA, it is apparent that deficiency in this essential nutrient could have a profound effect on the behavior of the dog.
Although most high quality store bought dog food are nutritionally balanced and contain all essential nutrients necessary for our pets sometimes we should consider supplementing their diet with some additional vitamins and minerals.
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