Sentences with phrase «considered only studies»

But it considered only studies that were financed by the plastics industry, ignoring research that pointed to its potential dangers.

Not exact matches

Not only would there be a huge human factor to consider in sending them back to countries with which most aren't familiar, but the cost to our economy could be staggering: According to a Center for American Progress study earlier this year, the estimated loss of DACA workers would reduce U.S. GDP by $ 433 billion over the next 10 years, with California, Texas and Illinois being hit hardest.
It's a tactic plenty of people are already considering: Only a quarter of employees say they do not plan to work in retirement, according to a 2016 Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies report.
According to their study, 54.1 % of Americans rated their lives highly enough to be considered «thriving» while only 42.1 % were classified as «struggling.»
We find these results highly promising, however we have not fully vetted the results and note that the strongest programs we have considered are backed by multiple studies, while there has only been one rigorous study of the Living Goods program.
If we consider only the survivors, 29 % of funds beat the S&P 500 over the 34 - year period Carhart studied.
«I studied philosophy and law and then practiced law in big international firms in Amsterdam and Brussels for seven years before dramatic circumstances in my life brought me and my wife to consider an invitation from Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna and Grand Chancellor of the ITI, to come to Austria to help him with building up and professionalising the ITI, which at that time had existed for only 7 years and which was dealing with serious financial problems and battling for its survival.
Some people conclude that the teachers of other religions are included in the «some others» that God has not told about, but other people say that only by studying the spirit and fundamentals of those religions can one determine whether or not they are of the same spirit as Islam, and their founders might be considered to have been prophets.
only in the last 15 years have we obtained the databases of information to consider certain facts of the text literarily — in this case, the study of the use of names.
At the same time, a major new study by Daniel Yankelovich shows that only 28 per cent of American college youth consider religion important, compared with 38 per cent in 1969; and that among working youth, the number considering religion an important value dropped from 64 to 42 per cent.
Rejecting the recommendation of a task - force study that such ordination be allowed, the assembly voted instead that only repentant homosexuals who choose celibacy or seek a reorientation of their sexual desires should be considered as qualified candidates for ministry.
Of AA., he says: «Considering Alcoholics Anonymous, for instance, two studies cited by Fingarette that looked at eighteen - month followups of people in AA found that at most, 25 percent of people were still attending meetings, and that among regular AA members, only 22 percent consistently maintained sobriety.
In one of those interesting accidents of timing only a few months before Magic Johnson put human sexuality on the national agenda, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) tried to correct this institutional paralysis over sexuality when it considered a study document designed to confront the inadequacy of both an empty moralism and an arrogant secularity.
The only existent I'm aware of that straddles the line between life and nonlife is the virus, and I think it is generally not considered life, though I do believe it is studied thoroughly in biology because it's so much like life and so heavily impacts life forms.
It can not be considered scientific because the people conducting the study decided on using only 5 people to base their results on.
One method used that he considered very effective was the study of the religious response to a good not our own in previous ages, not only through the study of philosophy and theology, but art, literature, hymnody.
Because Jung wrote about myth and considered all religions worthy of study and respect, many have wrongly assumed that he interpreted religion as myth in the sense that it is deluded belief, something childish and meant only for the unthinking masses.
James L. Rogers» review of research on the psychological consequences of abortion found that only one out of 300 studies could be considered valid (in James K. Hoffmeier, Abortion: A Christian Understanding and Response, 1987).
Considering that she was the only one of the group who was not studying theology, she held her own very well in these discussions.
Folks talk about the soul as a religious item — that it synonymous with religion — But religions don't really explain what a soul is — because they don't know — only a possible destination — Before you get all huffy, please consider where my concept comes from — I am no longer religious — I studied Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for dozens of years, and determined a different design, for what the glyphs could portend — and found some interesting thought processes hidden within — including what the soul is — for instance: The Ankh symbol represents Life — the charcters for An and kh, I translate as an = thought and kh = soul — Thus Life = the thought of the soul — The soul as described by the AE, is a continuity between 2 or more enti - ties — including the enti - ty Environment — Our environment creates us — some name their environment as god — some believe there is a continuity with their environment — that is soul --
Whereas Vermes first stakes out a topic and then works his way to particulars by adducing historical considerations, Crossan isolates a cluster of sayings on a topic, considers only the earliest and doubly attested, and then compares the treatment of the theme with Greek as well as Jewish materials in order to develop an interpretation based on anthropological studies of Mediterranean peasants.
One criticism levelled at UCL's study by food and drink manufacturers and associations, such as the British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF), is that the study only considers the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, while dismissing the nutritional benefits of processed foods, in particular frozen foods.
The present study considered only yield differences; Ms Seufert's next project is to analyse existing research on the environmental impacts of organic and conventional agriculture.
Noting other studies finding that between one - third and one - half of players report concussion symptoms for which they did not seek medical attention, and the fact that, in the current study, only 44.1 % of athletes identified through the weekly interviews sought medical evaluation by a QHP, and that the concussion rate considering only those diagnosed by a QHP was far lower than the overall rate reported -LRB-.4 per 1,000 AEs versus 1.3 per 1,000 AEs).
You have to keep in mind that this study was considering only one health risk — obesity.
I've been considering completing my studies and going into teaching as it will mean that I can have a career that will fit around Sausage when she starts school, but really, my heart isn't in teaching, and I think it's one of those professions that you should only go into if you're passionate about it.
Remember also that these chemicals may respond very differently when used for diapering — the long - term studies are considering only the action of these chemicals in water or air.
The panel said that the FDA had only considered studies financed by the plastics industry and had ignored evidence of the potential harm from BPA.
But the agency only considered studies that had been financed by the plastics industry.
We could pool heart rate data following injections for only two studies (n = 186); we considered this evidence to be of low quality due to insufficient data.
No studies were completely bias free, but 4 studies were considered to be of good quality on the basis of only one threat to validity out of a total possible of five [25 — 28].
We considered that only four of the studies used methods that were at low risk of bias to generate the random sequence and conceal allocation to the experimental groups (Collins 2004; Graffy 2004; Hoddinott 2012; Reeder 2014).
Not only am I presently studying to be an educator, but I also was partially home schooled myself and I consider it one of the greatest disservices that my parents did for me.
They require further research to help explain this relationship and determine the other contributing factors which are also playing a role (e.g. they do not consider relationship quality in this study, only status).
The only way of further examining the influence of confounding factors on this relation is to consider studies that randomly assign infants to be breastfed or formula - fed.
Only the schools that respond — normally about 25 percent of the initial list — are considered in the study.
The first of these pathways, marine ice sheet instability, has been studied for decades, but the second, marine ice cliff instability, has only recently been considered as an important contributor to future sea level change.
Earlier studies on the sensitivity of tropical cyclones to past climates have only analyzed the effect of changes in the solar radiation from orbital forcing on the formation of tropical cyclones, without considering the feedbacks associated to the consequent greening of the Sahara.
In another study that included the response «seek out illicit products», only 25 per cent indicated that they might consider purchasing black market products.
It also notes that funding agencies and institutional review boards evaluate all animal research, only approving what they consider necessary and humane studies.
This new study is one of the first involving social interaction and menopause symptoms to control for the age of the women and also for the type of relationship — only relationships with young children were considered.
New research by scientists in the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science is diving deeper into this relationship, showing that stiffness is not the only factor researchers should consider when studying this process.
Didier Houssin, president of the French Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education, says that the biosafety review of the work must consider whether studies of this kind should be conducted only in labs with the highest biosafety rating of BSL - 4, a restriction imposed this month by Canada.
Armed with only an unfamiliar logo, the study found that shoppers consider retailers using Walmart's blue or Sam's green in their logos to be more eco-friendly than retailers using Trader Joe's red.
We did this by considering not only the hypothetical reduction that would occur if everyone undertook each action but by looking at what is behaviorally realistic,» explains ecologist and sociologist Thomas Dietz of Michigan State University, one of the authors of the study laying out the possibilities in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The science track, considered the most prestigious and difficult, attracted 40 % of the boys in the study's sample but only 17 % of the girls, even though the girls, on average, had math records as good as the boys and better overall grades.
While past studies had only considered the extent of liver resected performed, Mayo researchers also reviewed the type or location of colorectal resection.
Since the sexual reproduction stage of malaria only occurs in insects, Poinar said in the new study that they must be considered the primary hosts of the disease, not the vertebrate animals that they infect with disease - causing protozoa.
More than half of the studied restaurants designate some healthy choices on their menus, but the meaning of that designation varies; in most cases, only calorie content is considered and they may still have high sodium levels.
The study looked at acute cocaine use with only one injection a day, which is not considered a model of addiction.
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