Sentences with phrase «considered wimping»

TL isn't going to admit that he would have considered wimping out of the QB - competition.
For some, it's the dread Slattery's bus, though the visitor ends up taking what Ryan clearly considers the wimp's way to Cheltenham — out of Dublin Airport aboard a 757 that is filled with seemingly - serious, respectably - suited men in their 50's heading for business appointments.
The hero, dress designer Jerry McGuire (William Collier Jr.), is tired of being considered a wimp.

Not exact matches

If you are somewhat wimped - out, consider going with the Mexi - Bell, yellow wax mild, banana, or the New Mexican varieties.
Choosing not to play on a beautiful day simply because one of 54 holes was considered unplayable gives the impression that the players are wimps and that the game itself is so precious, so uptight, that it can't be conducted unless it conforms to a set of rules that are often absurd.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday he is once again willing to consider a cap on for - hire vehicles such as Uber — three years after wimping out on the move...
The LUX - ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, which will be built nearly a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, S.D., is considered one of the best bets yet to determine whether theorized dark matter particles known as WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) actually exist.
Smartphone speakers have always been wimping along when it comes to audio output, which is expected considering the tiny speakers that they pack in.
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