Sentences with phrase «considering further study»

Talk to people who are already in the field you are considering further study in, and talk to a coach for feedback and insight through your research and decision making process.
Just under half (49 %) of undergraduates who are considering further study intend to borrow from their parents to compensate for the lack of official funding, according to a survey carried out by our sister website TARGETpostgrad.
Therefore, if you are considering further study in order to join a particular profession, research all the routes into your chosen role before choosing the best one for you.
Just under half (49 %) of undergraduates who are considering further study intend to borrow from their parents to compensate for the lack of official funding,... (view)
If you are considering further study, a conversion course could be a viable option for you.
A two - year research project aimed at improving student participation in STEM - related disciplines, and encouraging them to consider further study and careers in STEM, involved schools partnering with industry professionals.
By exploring the practical uses of science, the challenges help to inspire young people to consider further study and careers in STEM.
Having graduated I considered further study either the LPC, BVC or PGCE or Masters, but to be quite honest the thought of taking yet another exam and being a book worm compared to actually earning money and doing something made me reconsider my options.

Not exact matches

A CPA (CA) from Vancouver, with a further degree in Classical studies, Alison considers herself a Blockchain Community maximalist.
And considering how very wrong the religious have been previously with «diagnosing» demonic possession, it seems altogether a bad idea to encourage this practice rather than recommending the 20 % to further medical study.
In no congregation studied so far are world views of members so diverse that one could consider that church a mere aggregate of miscellaneous believers.
So far in this study, we've learned about the history of the Asian church, discussed contextualization, and considered some of the unique ways Asian church leaders are presenting the gospel so that it will be received within their own cultural context.
Nazareth was considered to be concentrating in carpentry.18 McCown's study of tektwn in the Graeco - Roman world has further strengthened the view that they were mostly workers in wood than in metal or stone.19 Jesus, it has been suggested, may have worked in Sepphoris, a Hellenistic city close to Nazareth.
Noting other studies finding that between one - third and one - half of players report concussion symptoms for which they did not seek medical attention, and the fact that, in the current study, only 44.1 % of athletes identified through the weekly interviews sought medical evaluation by a QHP, and that the concussion rate considering only those diagnosed by a QHP was far lower than the overall rate reported -LRB-.4 per 1,000 AEs versus 1.3 per 1,000 AEs).
It is considered the lowest form of evidence, ranked far below randomized trials and observational studies, which in this case all suggest that cry - it - out is not harmful.
The study's senior author, Associate Professor Natasha Nassar from the University of Sydney Menzies Centre for Health Policy said: «While the association between being born earlier — lower gestational age — and poorer developmental outcomes is well established, our results revealed that poor development is further exacerbated in the case of planned birth, where a considered decision made to deliver an infant determines gestational age.
The state board of education in Florida also has been considering such a move, but recently was asked by the state's newly appointed agriculture secretary to put that decision on hold pending further study.
Hence, 23 studies (24 reports) with data were considered further.
They require further research to help explain this relationship and determine the other contributing factors which are also playing a role (e.g. they do not consider relationship quality in this study, only status).
The only way of further examining the influence of confounding factors on this relation is to consider studies that randomly assign infants to be breastfed or formula - fed.
Considered instrumental to spying or hiding of military equipment, the project has so far been carried with high discretion, or as one of the researchers describedit, «We are invisible people studying invisible technology.»
County Executive Joanie Mahoney has asked the legislature to consider accepting a $ 330,000 state grant to further study the issue.
Borough President Diaz added that, following that stakeholder outreach, his office would consider urging the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to issue a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the development of the Concourse Yard, in order to further study the costs and potential of a platform at the site.
Further shortening that to «gravity wave» is considered by some to be scientifically illiterate, because «gravity wave» is already taken by scientists who study fluid mechanics.
Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth - like planets, but new studies contradict that view.
«What's most interesting is that the study has helped further establish that the plant can perceive the feces, and that it is not enough to just consider the effect insects have on plants through feeding.
The increasingly popular middle course, of doing one science and two nonscience A levels, may be interesting and even broadly educative, but is no use to anyone considering studying science further into higher education.
Although obesity is considered a risk factor for heart disease, the study results suggest that focusing directly or exclusively on weight loss can be counterproductive by discouraging women from keeping health appointments, further reducing the chances that they will receive appropriate monitoring and counseling.
However, the researchers are pursuing further studies to ensure safety, practicality, and efficiency before considering bringing it to a clinical environment.
«The impaired heart rate response has been considered a hindrance for more demanding high - intensity training, but this new study documents that stable heart transplant recipients benefit from this type of training more than from the moderate training that has been recommended so far.
A Mexican national who went to school not far from Xochimilco, she never thought much about the animal and certainly never considered studying it until she came to Germany.
[A] mounts paid or allowed to, or on behalf of, an individual to enable him to pursue studies or research are considered to be amounts received as a scholarship or fellowship grant for the purpose of section 117 if the primary purpose of the studies or research is to further the education and training of the recipient in his individual capacity and the amount provided by the grantor for such purpose does not represent compensation or payment for the services described in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph.
So far, the exact mechanism by which splicing occurs was unknown, but a new SISSA / CNR - IOM study carried out with the collaboration of the Swiss EPFL has reconstructed in detail — by using computer simulations — the cleavage process for group II introns, considered the ancestors of the spliceosome, thereby shedding light on the much more complex splicing mechanism in humans.
Stevens hopes the results of this study will encourage manufacturers to investigate further and consider the health benefits of developing a chocolate bar made with high - cacao content and L - theanine.
While significant research has explored the environmental impacts of climate change, far fewer studies have considered its psychological effect on humans, said UA researcher Sabrina Helm, an associate professor of family and consumer science in the UA's Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Humans have an ortholog of the murine Nrk gene, and considering that the gene expression pattern in breast tumor in Nrk mutant mice was similar to that in human luminal B breast cancer, the findings of this study may lead to further understanding of the mechanisms of human breast cancer suppression and to advances in its diagnosis and therapy.
They go on to say that «since no single broadly neutralizing antibody combines the entire range of mechanistic features anticipated to support in vivo efficacy, our study adds further evidence that combinations of such antibodies need to be considered for human application.»
Valentina Coia explains further: «The first hypothesis could not be ruled out given that the study considered only 85 modern comparison samples from the K1 lineage — the genetic lineage that also includes that of Ötzi — which comprised few samples from Europe and especially none from the eastern Alps, which are home to populations that presumably have a genetic continuity with the Iceman.
«That's what we consider the bias in our food habit studies and that was the ultimate goal of Sarah's project — to find out how far off we may have been in the past with what snow leopards eat and then ultimately refining our understanding of what they eat,» said McCarthy.
We confirm that group differences are essential to consider in tDCS studies of WM.. The quickly decaying effects prevented further clarification of mechanism from the HD - EEG data.
This genomic data has been generated at the CNAG - CRG and it is considered as the most comprehensive study of the genome of wild orangutans carried out so far.
The study further concluded that, to a great extent through the designation of SPAs, the Birds Directive has clearly helped those species considered to be most at risk.
Hand emphasizes that, from an astrobiology standpoint, Europa is considered a premier target in the search for life beyond Earth; a NASA - funded study team led by JPL and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory have been working with the scientific community to identify options to explore Europa further.
Moreover, all of these studies compare the pluripotent potential of the marked ICM - like population to mixed fractions that are considered a single further differentiated intermediate cell type.
The physician's evaluation and routine clinical laboratory tests served to identify medical conditions considered exclusionary for CFS, specified in the 1994 case definition [23] as further clarified by the International CFS Study Group in 2003 [31].
Both reviewers consider that since the functional studies were only tested in 2 basal and 2 luminal breast cancer cell lines, the sample set was too small, and testing additional cell lines for their dependency on MELK should further strengthen the authors conclusions.
Some studies have found that pressure - cuff exercise performed with light weights, far less than what is normally considered sufficient for promoting muscular adaptations, can promote significant muscle growth as a result of generating a substantial amount of metabolic stress.
The type of cardiovascular training selected should also be considered if you are chasing booty gains: a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that 10 weeks of combined resistance and cardio training resulted in strength gains being halved when compared to weightlifting alone — although fat loss was far greater.
Following this news, both patients refused any further treatments with chemotherapy, which was a smart move considering chemotherapy is ineffective 97 % of the time and has been shown in studies to increase the growth and spread of cancer.
Further, consider integrating meat prep using these TMAO mitigation strategies (shown in recent mice studies, April 2016 and Dec 2015).
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