Sentences with word «consiousness»

123..Non - living does not possess Consiousness, how do you know that.
When you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consiousness.
Our spirits come into this particular consiousness to either learn or to give back.
Scientists have not created consiousness, good, or evil in a computer, nor have they explained how life might have begun (believe me, they haven't, and I have a degree in Biochemistry), nor can they explain near - death experiences or reported miracles.
Transformers, the 1980s toys that later starred in their own animated TV series, re-entered the public consiousness last year when their full - length movie came out.
The title relates to the Freudian metaphor of the subconcious as the sea, from which thoughts and ideas surface into consiousness.
IE it is capable of mass coherence, obedience to the Pauli exclusion principle & population inversion and coherence (consiousness lasing) after large stressors are applied and imbedded.
Keep this up, we are raising consiousness and getting our voices heard.
this is all so ridiculous and only shows your lack of consiousness and ignorance!
Consiousness is the only religon.
What would this consiousness be like if that were the case?
The hells that some of us beleive in are just that, in this consiousness, for them.
If there is any kind of higher life form and / or consiousness that is responsible for «everything» it seems likely that «it» is either incapable or unwilling to come right out and tell us all which of the many religous belief systems has got it 100 % right.
For» Bevissthetens Skygge» (The Shadow of Consiousness), the...
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