Sentences with phrase «consistent daily practice»

When she began her consistent daily practice shortly after graduating from Cornell University with a BS in Chemical Engineering, Caroline found a means to improve her physical and emotional well being.
In her teachings, she emphasizes a strong foundation, discipline, and dedication which are necessary components for a consistent daily practice.

Not exact matches

Having witnessed my share of leadership train wrecks over the years, I was most impressed with the principle of «Communication IS Leadership,» which Reiff personally crafted in definition as «daily execution of practicing consistent, reliable, predictable, effective, thoughtful, compassionate, and yes, even courteous communication.»
The process of draining logic and meaning from everything came to full fruition in the 1960s and 1970s, when it began to be felt profoundly in the daily lives of many Americans, with such things as the proliferation of «alternative lifestyles,» the diluting or jettisoning of academic standards at every level, the increasing inability of the legal system to make in practice sufficient or consistent distinctions between victim and victimizer — among many others too familiar to all of us to need spelling out.
A few of the obvious drives that pack us off, daily or weekly or episodically or, for some, in hope, permanently, are fear or even terror in the particular given set of circumstances; the sheer discouragement and exhaustion of facing questions without answer; profound disillusionment — it takes many forms — with the pertinent, prevailing system or systems; deep and bitter contempt for one's own society, bred of the abysmal failure to attain in consistent practice even a semblance of the justice professed and acclaimed; despair — so it was with the college generation of the late sixties — over the formidable obduracy of a political establishment in going its merciless way quite apparently deaf to the cries of anguish of its empathetic and real victims, victims by the tens of millions here and around the world.
In our interviews and research for The Grateful Life, we talked to dozens of people who have discovered that a consistent practice of gratitude is the most effective way to connect to a sense of meaning — and to experience even more blessings in your daily living.
Simple: a brilliant means to inspire practitioners to commit to and realize the benefits of a consistent and daily yoga practice, to adopt a healthy habit.
It takes a consistent, steady practice, but incorporating these principles into my daily routine makes me feel fully nourished.
Over time, with a consistent practice, children will begin to make those connections on their own as they begin to see and feel the effects yoga has in their daily life.
Total Transformation: 4 Week Bootcamp for the Soul Unlike typical boot - camps, this four - week program revolutionizes your life through a commitment to consistent daily yoga practice with measurable results.
After wrapping up his three - city U.S. Tour, Sharath Jois reflects on how our daily habits effect our yoga practice and how building a more consistent routine can improve quality of life.
The retreat reinforced the importance of consistent daily activity, and I had practice building the exercise habit with the daily exercise sessions.
I don't have a daily practice, I just try to be consistent with my actions and thoughts - if that makes sense!
In addition, each week they are able to take summative assessments on any objectives on which they have displayed mastery (i.e., «Once a student starts to demonstrate consistent mastery of adding with regrouping during daily independent practice, I will assess that skill in my weekly assessment time.»).
This post is therefore for teachers like my teacherly self of only a few years ago whose daily practice was characterised not by confident teaching, but by gaining consistent control in the classroom.
It * only * happens when you decide to make practicing excellence a daily, consistent habit.
While caregiving practices and daily routines may vary based on the family's cultural and community context (cultural values, and beliefs, and practices), it is the consistent and responsive nature of these practices and routines that assure secure attachment and the foundation of infant mental health.
Consistent with the teachings of MBSR and MBCT, I maintain a daily personal practice of sitting meditation and mindful movement, as well as holding the intention to carry mindful awareness throughout each day.
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