Sentences with phrase «consistent standards of achievement»

This fall, more than 10,000 Chicago public school students faced retention as the school district implemented a program to eliminate social promotion and enforce consistent standards of achievement.

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The results are consistent with other studies that show a substantial return (up to 50 percent of a standard deviation on standardized achievement tests) to achievement from observed classroom quality, with greater effects often accruing to children with higher levels of risk and disadvantage.
Estimating the effect of individual teachers» grading standards on their students» achievement gains assumes that these standards remain relatively consistent over time, that they are not unduly influenced by the composition of their class, and that they are not a reflection of some other observable characteristic that might account for any effects we observe.
By only reporting most recent or most consistent evidence of achievement of the standards, we are communicating a clear picture of student understanding.
Evaluation of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (2009) addresses issues identified by Congress concerning the quality of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), including whether NAEP is properly administered, produces high quality data that are valid and reliable, and is consistent with relevant widely accepted professional assessment standards; and whether student achievement levels are reasonable, valid, and reliable.
Consistent with all Beaufort County schools, Lowcountry Montessori seeks to provide the environment and experience that will allow students to flourish academically to the point of exceeding state standards of academic achievement; however, our overarching goal as educators is to help our students develop into independent, responsible, critical, and compassionate individuals.
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