Sentences with phrase «consistent understanding»

In fact, our clients have expressed that our Serious Game and eLearning development services deliver a faster, more consistent understanding of material than other online methods of learning.
Using a test that is widely used allows for dogs to be transferred from one shelter or rescue to another with a clear and consistent understanding of how the dog was assessed.
We seek only to make plausibly consistent our understanding of the world as mediated so effectively by physics and certain general metaphysical notions, including fundamental aspects.
eLearning offers a faster and more consistent understanding of material than other learning and training methods.
She told me how she always understood the «game of school» and was really good at accumulating points to achieve the desired «A.» However, we also talked about how that «A» didn't truly represent her most recent or most consistent understanding.
A very consistent understanding is thus emerging of the coupled ocean and atmosphere dynamics that have caused the recent decadal - scale departure from the longer - term global warming trend.
· The lack of a nationally consistent understanding of the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and their scope of practice.
Discover how we can help your entire workforce gain a complete, consistent understanding of these concepts in our free Paycom Learning Toolkit.
This will help them to pick up on sign language more easily because they will have a consistent understanding of how it is used.
NIMH will also work to improve communication and outreach by providing webinars and conference presentations for applicants about clinical trials, and will work to ensure a consistent understanding of this approach by grant reviewers.
Desiring to be connected but simultaneously fearing abandonment and hurt, they swing between connection and disconnection without a consistent understanding or strategy of how to get their needs met.
It is doable with a strong teacher - student relationship and a consistent understanding and communication between students and their peers.
«Teachers who want to work in these environments have a responsibility and an important role to play in influencing and contributing to these approaches, so that when kids move across classrooms, they have common instructional experiences, a consistent understanding of behavior expectations, and teachers who are reaching out to engage their parents.»
The Common Core State Standards is a set of learning standards that provide a clear and consistent understanding of what students are expected to learn throughout the school year.
The D.C. union survey of teachers found that 94 percent believed there was a «lack of consistent understanding» among both teachers and evaluators of the observation framework's expectations.
Instructional Rounds for Coherence The Center works with central office, building leaders and teachers to implement instructional rounds in support of coherent, consistent understanding of quality instruction.
While teachers of ELLs have used sheltered English instruction for many years, a consistent understanding of the components of sheltered instruction has emerged only within the past five years.
The last four years have been especially comical, leaving teachers and parents without a consistent understanding of achievement while squandering valuable learning time for students.
A clear job description or specific vision of the teacher leader's work will establish a public and consistent understanding that teacher leaders are being selected for a particular role or for carrying out specific activities.
It is clearly his intention to introduce facts, or ignore them as they suite his argument rather than to try and come to a consistent understanding of the case.
These laws should then provide a consistent understanding of expectations and protections for all people.
His Lordship had come to the conclusion that, at the very least, the reasons stated by the tribunal did not demonstrate a clear and consistent understanding and application of the second, subjective stage of the Twinsectra test.
The definition of «internet connection records» in the Bill needs to be clarified, as there is currently no consistent understanding of the term and the requirement for businesses to keep records of information not currently captured could have significant operational and cost implications on those affected.
With this decision, we now have a clear and consistent understanding of the law, one that will give both the Government and Noongar people a solid platform for negotiations.»
The Secretaries» Group seeks to improve communication of decisions to ensure a common and consistent understanding of the implementation of government policy and whole of government arrangements.
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