Sentences with phrase «consists of this single case»

The only real «evidence» consists of this single case of Louisiana with heavier regulation and negative effects.

Not exact matches

Azariah who later became Bishop of Dornakal argued that the church in accepting the position of a communal political minority with special protection would become a static community and it would negate its self - understanding as standing for mission and service to the whole national community, that in any case the Indian church is not a single social or cultural community since it consists of people of diverse background, each of whom would have its own political struggle to wage in cooperation with the people of similar background in other religions; and therefore theologically and politically Christians should ask only for religious freedom for its mission and service to all people, not as a minority right, but as a human right (ref.
This is the case of diatoms, algae consisting of a single cell surrounded by a silica skeleton, recommended by the European Union and Switzerland as one of the ideal bioindicators for rivers and lakes.
In either case, some older rich men and women can consist of seeking some elite singles It doesn't mind that this site is not the real sugar daddy dating site.
Besides the fact that they don't contain any of the crap mentioned above, they literally only consist of ONE SINGLE ingredient — in this case, the fish.
Based on the decisions in these two cases «where a condominium corporation's governing documents state that units are to be occupied by a single family, but no definition of that term is provided, «family» means «a social unit consisting of parent (s) and their children, whether natural or adopted, and that includes other relatives if living with the primary group.»
«A typical collaborative case consists of two clients who each select independent Collaborative attorneys, working together as a team with the single goal of resolving all of the issues.
A recent Pennsylvania case involved a large, industrial, single - occupant, mixed - use property that consisted of an office building, a conference center, and a third building used for offices, research and development, and manufacturing, all constructed at different times.
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