Sentences with phrase «console giant»

So how do the traditional console giants such as Ubisoft, EA and Activision feel about the legions of new competitors?
It seems unlikely, then, that the Japan - based console giant would feel the need to launch a new system.
But console giant aware it must make each entry unique to avoid tarnishing its flagship franchise
The Switch has so far delivered on all the promises of the Wii U and offers a unique console experience in a niche that the other console giants, Sony and Microsoft simply have not been able to compete in.
This pales in comparison to console giants Microsoft and Sony, with 875 games available for the Xbox One and 1,222 for the PlayStation 4.
«The best thing to ever happen to the Vancouver indie scene is that those big, fat, bloated old bitches left town,» says Jason Bailey, the CEO of East Side Games, a local mobile startup, of the traditional console giants.
The experience backs up what a lot of other independent developers have been saying — that Sony has over the past few years become the most indie - friendly of the console giants.
In an interview with GamesIndustry, CCP's senior director of business development Yohei Ishii claimed both console giants, Microsoft and Sony, have happily embraced Dust 514 «s non traditional business model, which emphasises games as continuing service rather than a one time sale.
When you look at it, it seems that Sony is the only one of the console giants embracing the idea of virtual reality gaming.
The battle between the two console giants is becoming increasingly fierce and it is important to remember that this is just day one of Gamescom.
Simonetta says the console giant has learnt lessons from its mistakes and successes in the past when it comes to the indie scene, but insists the firm has been supporting small developers for years through schemes such as PS Minis and already allowing for self - publishing.
He added that the console giant likely would partner with a studio or publisher in «an unprecedented way» if they came up with a unique use for Wii U functionality.
In order to keep up to the demand that PC seems to be running away with, the console giants need to ensure they can have most games on their systems as well.
UK developer FuturLab has signed a deal with Sony for the console giant to provide development funds for PlayStation Vita titles in 2013.
The console giant also hinted that it would be taking a new approach to developing its Nintendo - exclusive games, and would be collaborating with a number of external developers on many of its projects.
There is no danger of Nintendo using the Mario franchise too much and milking it dry, the console giant's Reggie Fils - Aime has said.
While the IMDB listing is hard to ignore, we can only hopethat she is working to return one of the forgotten classics of the console giant to futher boost Nintendo Switch sales.
The console giant said the drop in revenue was due to a decrease in sales for PS3, Vita and PSP hardware.
Among the console giants appearing at E3 next week, Microsoft seems underwhelming from a birds - eye - view.
Activision says it will be providing more details and a «first look» at the game during Microsoft's 21 May Xbox event where it is believed the console giant plans to unveil its next - generation console.
Sony's E3 conference this year marked almost eight months to the day since the release of its PlayStation VR headset and that meant the pressure was on for the console giant to prove its commitment to the still fledgling platform.
It's going to be a great bit of kit, one that I'm sure Sony will quickly challenge, but it makes me wonder where the console giant is with this?
But console giant would work with developers «in an unprecedented way» if they offer unique Wii U titles
Iwata also discussed the console giant's plans for the Unity development platform, which it hoped would attract a large proportion of Unity's one million users into developing Wii U content.
He added that a small development team would update the tech constantly, and that it had enabled the console giant to «significantly reduce development challenges».
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